Be Your Best and Find Your Healthy with CVS
I started off my pregnancy with big goals about having a “fit pregnancy.” My plan was to eat clean 85% of the week and to workout regularly (because it’s important!) but also so that I could offset the cravings and indulgences here and there… I even signed up for a “30 clean” challenge during the later half of my first trimester and beginning of my 2nd trimester, and totally kicked ass doing it. Oh, at 18 weeks, I was feeling so good, so strong, so committed to my lovely, planned out meals… So SURE that I would stay WELL within the 25-35 recommended weight gain for pregnant women.
And then life happened. We bought a house. Had the longest most stressful escrow. Decided to do some work on the house. Which lead to doing more work. And more work. School got out. Summer break started. Camp started. Then stopped, then started again. And all things calm, collected and CLEAN went. OUT. THE. WINDOW.
I went into survival mode.
And now, at 36 weeks I’m finally feeling settled…
This summer I had the opportunity to partner up with CVS for their “find your healthy” campaign. For me, finding my healthy has really meant accepting what is and what may be for some time is what is best for me. It’s about being present and not beating myself up for what I used to be and what I “normally can do” (not pregnant). The fact is: I am pregnant and moving and busy and 900 other things. It’s okay to be off my “A game.”
Once I realized and came to terms that this summer would be completely off tilt and I wouldn’t just whip up homemade granola (and blog about it), or plan and pull out those cute pregnancy outfits (and blog about it), or spend days DIYing and decorating the house like I hoped I would/could (and, you guessed it: Blog about it), I became a lot less stressed and a lot less frantic about how much I had gone “off the rails.” I began to relax into my body which wasn’t going to operate at usual warp speed. I began to embrace this special time.
I realized that staying healthy isn’t just about food and fitness. It’s about BALANCE. And yes, though the majority of our dinners this summer have been take out and I’m down to making maybe 1 or 2 homemade meals a week… AND I’ve gone from 3 high intensity cardio workouts a week to maybe 1 yoga class if I’m lucky,with the help of CVS, I’ve been able to find balance in the chaos in small way. From being prepared with healthy snacks, to spending these hot afternoons playing in the pool with my son, to making sure he has all the supplies he needs to go back to school, and stocking my new home with essentials, CVS has made it easy for me to feel good about a chaotic time in my life that is so different from every other but that I will never be able to recreate. It’s unique, special and a downright blessing.
Are you ready to find YOUR healthy? Head to CVS and make sure to check out Sunday’s weekly circular to find ExtraCare rewards and BIG savings on back-to-school! And you can also always save on your favorite snacks by simply swiping your ExtraCare card and earning 2% back on all purchases!

I’m proud to partner with CVS/pharmacy for the #FindYourHealthy campaign. I am being sponsored by CVS/pharmacy for my posts and activities, but all opinions expressed are my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified at or with the appropriate manufacturers.