playing pretend

Star Wars tee and bangles? It works!
Something tells me working the breakfast shift, just down the road from the actual magical kingdom, wasn’t part of “Jasmine’s” fairy tale.
…And that’s just what they’ll do. Kind of.
A couple of years ago, I wrote a post for Momlogic about the Top Ten Reasons Why I Hate the Park. Although there was a little truth to it (yes, I hate birds. Always will), I mostly meant it as a joke (kind of). Now that Jonah is older, I definitely do enjoy trips to the park more because he’s able to explore and play in a different way than when he was a toddler. I love watching him interact with children he doesn’t know and climb on equipment confidently…. That is, until bitches get in my way. Let me rephrase: Old bitches. Okay. I know that is going to sound ...Read More
Toys. Is there really a reason to ever buy real ones? I mean… from the Raaawrr (like a bear) game, to the “I Can’t Find Jonah… Here I am Mommy!” game (aka. I-haven’t-quite-grasped-the-hide-and-go-seek-concept yet-game), to the Wrap-him-up-like-a-burrito-and-pretend-I-ordered-a-quesadilla-instead game, sometimes I wonder if buying a child an elaborate toy is even necessary…. I mean, when a 3 year old has as much fun cramming as many stuffed animals into his pajamas as he can, for the mere opportunity to see himself with a lumpy tush, is investing in the hottest, and probably toxic toy, worth it? Well, fortunately for YOU, you can have the best of both worlds and not spend a dime…. ...Read More
For the past few weeks, Baby-Ko has woken up saying “Mommy, I’m up from my dream! Come get me!” As I pick him up out of his crib (yes, he’s turning 3. No, he’s not in a big boy bed yet), I do my best to cheerily ask him about said dream. Me: “What did you dream about?” Baby-Ko: “The jungle!” Me: “The jungle?!” Baby-Ko: “Yaaaaaaaaaah, the jungle. And, and, and, the ocean!” Now before you marvel at how amazingly imaginative my young boy is, I must confess: He did not come to these brilliant visions and landscapes on his own. I sort of fed them to him… At some point, during a typical nightly ...Read More