April, 2009
Considering that I neeeeeeeeeeeeever have cash on me and that my wallet is mostly full with old business cards and receipts from Target from 1996, I have NO idea how Baby-Ko learned to say “money.” Look, I’m not bragging (again), I’m just sayin‘: where did he learn this???? Seriously! $1.85 Starbucks? Debit card! $2.00 Parking Station? Debit card! I mean, it’s ridiculous.
The point is though, that Baby-Ko’s recent obsession with asking for “Money, mommy!” (which means taking my entire wallet apart) has brought something to my attention: I am a receipt hoarder. I really have no idea why I’m holding on to a receipt from Nordstrom for boots I ...Read More
Not sure how, when, or where Baby-Ko learned to say “Booger” but I’m thoroughly impressed and delighted. He’s come down with a little cold and when I wipe his nose, he begs, “no more boogers!” I mean… What?! How does he know that? I’m certain Elmo and his freaky side kick Mr. Noodle don’t talk about the letter “B” and say “B is for baseball, bears, BOOGERS! We like Boogers!“…. And I know that Rachel and her hard-of-hearing friends aren’t showing kiddos at home the sign (language) for snot or boogies. Thus, it’s safe to assume that Nanny Oof-Oof is probably responsible. I’m not mad – It’s better than the ...Read More
Disclaimer: This is my blog and I’ll talk poop if I want to.
As I’ve mentioned over the past couple of weeks or so, Baby-Ko’s vocabulary is really taking off. He’s repeating nearly everything, including the words that he shouldn’t (I dropped a carton of milk and cursed, to which he followed promptly with “Oh, Tuck!) I know that an 18 month old with a truck driver mouth isn’t something to brag about, but I must say, hearing him string two words together, (even an “oh”), was awesome.
And of course, given the fact that Bee-Bee’s made it known that poo-poo is Oof, it should come as no ...Read More
Well, it’s happened. “Sesame Street” has officially become a part of our morning routine. We’ve got a slew of them stored on DVR and I’ve noticed that there are some episodes that Baby-Ko responds to more than others. Certainly, he goes nuts when it’s time for Elmo’s World and that freak Mister Noodle. (Speaking of freak, can I just say that Maria looks old. Doesn’t she look old??? Remember when she and Luis were so young?! Crazy).
Anyway, I love the segments with the celebs from Molly Shannon doing a thing about bugs, to David Beckham as he bounces a soccer ball and talks about the importance of “persistence”, to Dianna ...Read More
Last week, I got a Baby Center email update telling me that my “baby” may be ready to start potty training.
OOPS. See, according to the pediatrician (who I pretty much forced in to telling me that Baby-Ko’s language skills were advanced for his age, to which I literally did a high school/napoleon dynamite “yeeessss!”), Baby-Ko is in fact ready to start “potty training.” He would like to see him fully trained, or at least interested and “engaged” in the toilet and all that it entails by the age of 2… which is in 6 months…. EEK. That’s a lot of stinkin’ pressure… literally.
Twenty minutes ago, I just heard Bee-Bee and ...Read More