mom jeans

Earlier this year, Robin Saperstein of High Heel in a Haystack and I met and as I’ve said before, I was convinced we were not only separated at birth, but that we shared a deeply stylish karmic fashion connection. Robin, a fashion stylist based here in Los Angeles gave me a complete wardrobe makeover. Not only did she go through my closet and help me determine which clothes shouted 1993 and needed to be bagged immediately, but she put together some fantastic looks for me that inspired me to continue to think about style and actually enjoy getting dressed (in something other than yoga pants and my American Apparel pullover). Well ...Read More
Ten years ago, date night meant dinner at the hottest spot, dancing, drinks and subsequently a gnarly hangover the next morning (or afternoon, really). Alas, life is a little different now and my date nights have turned in to two hour increments in the middle of the afternoon (while said child responsible for perma-stubble on my legs spends time with his grandparents). I love my new life… I do. Though, like Steve Carrell and Tina Fey’s character in “Date Night,” a little adventure is craved every now and again… as long as I can get some sleep before Baby-Ko wakes up at the crack of dawn and wants to watch ...Read More