January, 2010
No matter how hard I try, my mornings with Baby-Ko are usually a little harried… especially when he wakes up at 5:36am ready to play doctor. (Oh, have I mentioned he likes to pretend that he works at a “Hop-tical” now?) Despite my attempts to have everything from food, to clothes to morning rituals laid out and planned ahead, there is one thing I have zero control over: his mood.
This morning: He. Was. In. A. Mood.
Gave him the play dough (reserved for his table/ but played with on the couch).Gave him a lollipop (reserved for dinner/ but given before breakfast).Gave him a basket of my old makeup (reserved for the ...Read More
Dear Channing Tatum,
Who are you? No, seriously. I mean that in the nicest possible way– WHO. ARE. YOU? You see, I consider myself a pretty “in the know” kind of a gal. And while I work in the “mommy world” and often go days without making physical contact with a razor, it is rare, and I mean rare, that I don’t know who people are… But C-Tate (can I call you that?), despite your incredibly good looks and a story surfacing about how you apparently burnt your penis off or something like that: I honestly have no idea who you are…. and it scares me.
I’m ashamed to admit it, but ...Read More
After last week’s McDonalds/ “Cryyyyyyyyyyyyy” incident of 2010, I felt like a battered and wounded soldier. I really felt like I had made a decision that could lead to Baby-Ko having issues not only with food for the rest of his life, but major anxiety issues as well.
Well, I asked Parents Ask expert Dr. Bonnie Zucker, a psychologist who specializes in anxiety for children and adults, to weigh in. According to Dr. Z, this one incident of stuffing my son’s feelings with happy inducing fried-ness may not result to a life sentence of therapy, buuuuuuut my parenting could use a little finessing…
Check out her advice HERE!
Every now and again, we, parents, have one of “those” nights…. Those nights that test your patience… Those nights that test your skill… And those nights that tug at your heartstrings…
Last night, I had one of those nights. Yes. All of the above.
At some point in the late afternoon, I got a call from my babysitter “Ash-a-Wee” saying she had an emergency and if it was okay, she needed the evening off. This meant that she wouldn’t be able to pick up Baby-Ko from day care at 4:30pm. Just to preface, day care closes at 5:30 on the dot but Ash-a-Wee picks Baby-Ko up M-F at 4:30 or earlier. ...Read More