Working Girl

The other day, a friend told me that I’d make the perfect “1965 wife.”  Some women might find this to be offensive, but me, nah… I’m a full time working gal, with a plate so full and a life so busy. So the fact that I cook, clean, raise a child and sit patiently during tackles, touchdowns, and all things end-zone, kinda makes me feel like a badass. While I’m still the “not so queen of it all,” I actually feel proud that I have figured out a way to be “domestic” too. It may not look perfect, it may not always be pretty, but I can certainly try to be a little ...Read More
Without getting into a diatribe about the plight of the working mom and how no one will ever understand our woes and Debbie Downer cries of “waaaaaah waaaaaaah,” I would like to say simply: it’s not easy. Especially when your son attends a school where the majority of moms don’t work, or at least, are so involved in the minutia of the school it appears as if they don’t work/ need/want to work and the joys of planning a bake sale or book fair pales in comparison graduating from Yale Law. This is not to say that those women, some of my favorite, sweetest and dearest friends, to be exact, ...Read More
Last Friday I turned Thirty… Three. Considering there are so many shifts and changes in my world, including a show/job that has taken me to New York this week, my birthday was really wonderful, sweet, and happy…. It’s hard to believe that 15 years ago, I moved to this city in the hopes of becoming an “act-toorrr.” I wanted to do “theee-Ate-er,” wear black, smoke cigarettes, and “act from my soulllll….” Okay, I wasn’t that affected, but I did smoke cigarettes… a habit I picked up after my freshman RA at NYU introduced us to the Silver Bullet Deli that would happily deliver cigarettes and a bottle of water at ...Read More