old photos

CONFESSION: You know all your darling holiday cards or those fancy family photos you post on Facebook? Yah? Well, they kind of make me want to jump off a bridge. Okay, fine. That’s sort of an exaggeration. Truly, all of you in your matching chambray work shirts, in front of that oak tree look lovely. Really. But I’m a little jealous. I want to look polished. I want to look together. I want to look (and feel) complete. I’m certainly not trying to sound all woe is me, (as I so often like to do), because I realize there’s been nothing stopping me from putting Jonah and I in matching get ups ...Read More
Dear Bangs, While looking through old photos the other day, I found a photo taken of me in 1st Grade… It must have been around Thanksgiving time because half the class is wearing what appears to be Pilgrim hats (made out of construction paper), while the other half dons Indian Chief hats (it was okay to say “Indian” back then. We didn’t know). Anyway, Bangs, this was in 1982…. which means I was 6…. which means we’ve been together for 27 years. We’ve grown up together, you and I… And though I never EVER strayed (with the exception of a very long/side swept thing I tried right after college), for all ...Read More