Trader Joe’s

Over the weekend I saw Up in The Air, a film that centers on the recent economic plunge this country has taken. Plot-wise, while I’ve been going back and forth in my mind whether or not I loved it, there is one thing I’m certain of: HOT-wise, George Clooney is still very much number 1 on my list. Having said that (hello Larry David), no amount of his perfectly salt and peppered hair could have taken the depression away that lingered from watching his character Ryan and his company lay off thousands of people from their jobs each day…. Considering that I too am currently unemployed (i.e. devoid of a ...Read More
As I pushed the stroller past the windows at Trader Joe’s today, I caught a reflection of myself and for some reason the reality hit: It’s been 6 Days since I have pumped and 10 days since Baby-Ko has nursed. I am officially done with breastfeeding. I pushed Baby-Ko through the doors of the Hawaiian flared market and suddenly all the cheap, non-preservative, goodies it has to offer started to taunt me. “You are not breastfeeding anymore, lady, you do not get to eat me. You will not burn extra calories just by feeding your child. You will not get to have ‘just one more cookie’ after your midnight pumping ...Read More