New York

The other day, a friend told me that I’d make the perfect “1965 wife.”  Some women might find this to be offensive, but me, nah… I’m a full time working gal, with a plate so full and a life so busy. So the fact that I cook, clean, raise a child and sit patiently during tackles, touchdowns, and all things end-zone, kinda makes me feel like a badass. While I’m still the “not so queen of it all,” I actually feel proud that I have figured out a way to be “domestic” too. It may not look perfect, it may not always be pretty, but I can certainly try to be a little ...Read More
It seems like every Monday, I’m on a hunt for a recipe that is sort of a one stop shop– a recipe that I can get all the ingredients literally in one shop, put them all in one pot, and walk away. However, not only is this crock pot-codependent relationship hurting the feelings of my 5qt Le Creuset pot (I’m not bragging, I’m just saying it’s really pretty), but it’s starting to bore Jonah and Peter to tears: There’s only so much shredded chicken tacos and turkey chili a man/boy can take. Luckily, a few months ago, I went to New York and had the opportunity to cook with the very ...Read More
Exciting news! I’ve been ask to speak at SheStreams ’11! This is such an honor as I will be speaking with women I admire… Nicole Feliciano, Melissa Gerstein & Denise Alberts, Janice Croze, Audrey McClelland… the list goes on! But we’re talking serious heavy hitters. I love any opportunity to go to New York so to get a chance to connect with social media influencers and smart brands and advertisers in my favorite city in the world (okay, second to Paris) is incredible. A little on SheStreams: What is SheStreams conference? SheStreams is a conference that spans two days of informative and engaging sessions intended to catapult women and brands into the ...Read More
My entire life, I have dreamt about going to the Oscars. Not just going to the Oscars, but being in the Oscars… that is, RECEIVING an Oscar. As a little girl, and then a young adult studying theater at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, my dream was to win an award for Best Actress. Now, it’s for Best Adapted Screenplay, Original Screenplay or Sound Editing. I’ll take anything really. The point is, I really want an Oscar. Just seems so magical. And I’ve been practicing my speech (again, it’s always with a British accent for some reason) since I was 4. Well, after watching an entire evening of Anne Hathaway’s ...Read More
Before I had a child, I swore that I would always be honest. I’d speak the truth to him. I’d teach him things without covering up or rewriting the facts. I’d wear my heart on my sleeve and with patience and loving kindness, share the world with him…. one answer at a time. Then he started talking. A lot. And because of this, and the fact that I am an advocate of encouraging childhood imagination and literacy, I have a confession that I’m not proud of: I am so happy that Baby-Ko cannot read. Take for example our trip to the beach a few weeks ago…. It was a lovely day… ...Read More
Last Friday I turned Thirty… Three. Considering there are so many shifts and changes in my world, including a show/job that has taken me to New York this week, my birthday was really wonderful, sweet, and happy…. It’s hard to believe that 15 years ago, I moved to this city in the hopes of becoming an “act-toorrr.” I wanted to do “theee-Ate-er,” wear black, smoke cigarettes, and “act from my soulllll….” Okay, I wasn’t that affected, but I did smoke cigarettes… a habit I picked up after my freshman RA at NYU introduced us to the Silver Bullet Deli that would happily deliver cigarettes and a bottle of water at ...Read More