labeling your child

When I was in 4th grade, in addition to thinking that Corey Haim and I would one day meet and fall in love, I considered myself to have a very keen sense of style (as exhibited by that darling get up on your left here). I just knew what was in and I knew what I liked. Luckily for me, the stir-up leggings, pushy socks, and over-sized sweatshirts splattered with neon paint look suited my twice baked potato like figure. Oh, if only the Gen Z fashion dictators of today’s world had any respect for thin-legged-bloated-tummy girls like me… But in 1985, I had the potential to be totally rad. ...Read More
The other day, our nanny (“Bee-Bee”), proudly exclaimed that Baby-Ko has been mimicking her. She told me that when she went to change his diaper, it was stinky and she said “Ooof,” and he copied her and said “oof!” She thought it was hilarious and I guess created a little game and while making a “pee-eww!” face says, “Baby-Ko, do you have poo-poo?” He then says, “Nooo. Ooof!” She  proudly showed me their little poo-poo shtick game and I laughed.  Funny (smart) kid, I thought.  Poo-poo is “ooof.” But the next day, when I saw he was sort of struggling while making poops, I said, “Baby-Ko are you making-” and he, ...Read More
 While nothing extraordinary took place, this past week did feel like a busy one, leaving me with a few things on my plate and on my mind… **  T-Ko and I finally got the chance  to go see a movie. We went to see “Dark Knight” and it freaked the shit out of me. The entire time, I had my sleeves covering my eyes and my nails digging into T-Ko’s hand. When we left, I thanked g-d that I wasn’t pregnant because I would for sure have had to call the doctor the next day, convinced that my shpilkes during all of  The Joker’s scenes had caused something terrible to happen to ...Read More