When we bought our house, we said we were only going to do “a little” work… Nothing major. Just some slight upgrades. Everyone told us we were crazy: There is always more to do (or that needs to get done) than you think.
Turns out, everyone knows a lot more than we do about buying a new home.
Within a few days of moving in we found out we needed a new fridge, new washer dryer, and new windows (because apparently propping them open with rolls of Saran Wrap doesn’t exactly give your house that “curb appeal” thing we were hoping for). Needless to say, while it’s not exactly the money pit, there have been numerous expenses that we haven’t anticipated. I wouldn’t go so far to say that feeling stressed and broke can be romantic, but I will say that it’s fun (easier?) when you have a home that no matter how much work it needs, you love and you love to be in. We love to be in our house! Boxes and all…
Speaking of boxes, I haven’t been able to unpack as much and as quickly as I’d like. We can thank the belly bump for that. And the pool. It’s way more fun to swim with my son in the pool than unpack. Because of that, I’ve been relying on easy and quick finds from my local CVS to help me during those “mommy, I’m hungry, I need dinner NOW” moments…
I love the Total Home selection at CVS. Not only is it budget friendly, but the products are as durable as any other name brands. Some essentials that I’m keeping in my arsenal: paper towels, paper plates, plastic utensils, napkins, wipes and and baggies.

Since my kiddo is making friends with all the other neighborhood kids (perhaps my favorite thing about moving to a new home), I’ve got to make sure we’ve got bandaids and antibiotic ointment on standby when he makes those sharp turns around the corner.

Luckily, my cute husband has gotten in to the home ownership/pride thing and has busted out the tools (I’m allowed to confess that *I* was the one with the tools when we cohabited, right?), and I’ve found him once or twice up on a ladder, cleaning out the gutters and dusting off this or that. I love it. His allergies on the other hand… not so much. That’s when CVS brand antihistamines and all day pain relief come in to play!

Well with my third trimester in full swing and a baby’s room full of boxes and “Ehh, not sure where that goes yet” items, we have our work cut out for us. I’m happy to rely on CVS for easy (and affordable!) essentials that we’ll need in a pinch!

I’m proud to partner with CVS/pharmacy for the #FindYourHealthy campaign. I am being sponsored by CVS/pharmacy for my posts and activities, but all opinions expressed are my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified at CVS.com or with the appropriate manufacturers.