Ah, it’s March and that means Spring is in the air… Actually, here in Los Angeles, Spring was in the air in December and pretty much all through January… and I’m pretty sure I spotted Summer one weekend in February…. So forget the air part. It’s just March. And that means a lot of things…
For starters, for the past couple of years, every March I seem to make it my mission to cleanse. I want to clean house. To clean body. To clean mind. Without fail though, having just spent the two months prior to March making excuses, mentally, as to why postponing all my “cleansing” resolutions is probably better ...Read More
So…. you know how I tried that whole “go to your room and spew obscenities” thing a couple weeks back? Well, yeah… So it worked. For a brief period… For a few days, I went without hearing my little 38 pound mad scientist/dictator grunt his favorite one word: “fuckit.” When he needed to get out the “dammits” and the “assholes,” he fled to his room for some quality-tourrettes- alone-time and re-emerged relieved and ready to talk about worldly and important things like how we need to start bringing money to school because they’re trying to help “the poor HOPEless people” or how in heaven WE (me and him) will “share ...Read More
A couple years ago, I wrote a post when I worked at Momlogic about Parenting from the Gut. I had decided that my all things Westside and Neurotic was getting out of control and I’d try to listen to my instincts instead of flocking to the gurus that I had (still am) been paying good money to, to tell me what kind of pajamas my toddler should wear in mid October.
Sure… that “laissez faire,” whatever works mentality works sometimes, but there is one area in particular that my own “here’s how I’m going to handle this” strategy has been failing big time: Potty Talk with a capital Shit. ...Read More
From the back seat….
J: Mommy, how much do you love me?
Me: Soooooooo, much.
J: How much? (Opening his hands). This much?
Me: Oh, way more.
J: How much more?
Me: To the moon and back, around the world 98 million times, to the bottom of the ocean floor and up, then around the world again. That much.
J: I love you that much too.
Me: I’m so glad.
J: NO. Mommy. NO. I love you… (Opening his arms). To the roof, to the neighbors, to Disneyland, all the way to the beach, and down Coldwater Canyon, and around the world 47 hundred 3, 5, zero, times. I love you that much.
Me: Wow, that’s a lot.
J: Yeah. It’s ...Read More
For several months, Baby-Ko’s language has really started to bloom. He’s definitely mastered Mommy, Daddy, Up, Down, Baba (bottle), Bye-Bye and a slew of other “common” (no shit) words that a 17 month old might say. But what I find to be so funny about hearing this little person speak is some of the other words that he’s decided to include in his repertoire. Moon, “Okee–Dokee,” Deer (one of our neighbors has a fake deer on their lawn. Don’t ask) and other little shticks we have like …. “Baby-Ko, who’s your favorite Laker?” and he says, “Koobee.” Brilliant. Or my husband’s favorite show off phrase, “Baby-Ko, who’s your favorite Dodger,” ...Read More