the bachelor

Last night on the season finale of “The Bachelor,” Brad Womack chose Emily Maynard, the single mom from Charlotte, N.C. who’s tragic story of love and loss literally brought tears to my eyes each and every time she told it. I don’t know if it was how perfectly put together without looking cheesy (like bachelorettes so easily do) she always was, OR the fact that she was a single mom, but I was rooting for Emily from the beginning. Sure, the fact that she seemed closed off and dull concerned me, but the old producer (Bachelor producer, in fact) knew that there HAD to be more. That this guy could ...Read More
Want to know The Reality of Reality Television? Check out the interview I did with my new favorite website Breezy Mama for the low down on what goes on behind the scenes, the drama, the controversy, and the ins and outs of actually getting cast on one of these nutty shows!
Check out the unedited, RAW interview I did with America’s (now) most hated Bachelor Jason Mesnick. Β I’m no Barbara Walters, but you can hear me asking Β him some reaaaaal hard hitting questions… Β and confirm the fact that my voice is very manly sounding. (It totally is, right???) P.S. BTW, he’s waaaaay cuter in person than on TV/video… and not as “bastardy” either. Β Trust. πŸ™‚