getting old

Later in Life with Bay Alarm MedicalWhen most people think of getting old, (like really old, like older than 80 old), they don’t think of life just starting out. Sadly, they think this is the time to “wrap it up,” so to speak… The time to sit on the front porch with a quilt and watch those “crazy kids nowadays doing whatever it is they do.” Yeah, that’s what most people think “older” people do and become. Crotchety, cynical, and immobile. But guess what? You haven’t met my Nana Jean and her boyfriend Burt.Yeah, I said boyfriend. And yeah, she’s 87 and he’s 89. And let me tell you, they’re anything ...Read More
A few days before the New Year, I asked Peter if he had any resolutions. He was silent. “Babe, any? Any resolutions this year?” “Nope,” he yawned. “I’m good. You?” Ha. Of course he had none. He’s a guy and  well, “perfect.” Me? Well, let’s just say for the next 15 minutes  I carefully dissected myself, my flaws, my hopes and dreams for the new year and how all those things would intertwine, unravel, and shape up to become one perfectly perfect person. On January 6th. Because the 1st was in the middle of the week and no one ever had a fresh start on a Wednesday. So here we are. Officially, January 2014… and I ...Read More
If you asked me 4 1/2 years ago what I thought my favorite thing would be about having a child, I don’t think my answer would have been what it is now. I was pregnant. On the verge. Unaware of what it would really mean to fall deeply in love (on a daily basis) on less than 6 hours of sleep a night. I had no idea, NO clue, that my favorite thing about having a child would be anything other than plain love… After all, the mere ability to love a child… YOUR child… Isn’t THAT the best thing? Isn’t THAT the gift? Yes. That’s definitely part of it. ...Read More
For those of you that have been following PD for a little while, you will recall that my Nana is a big part of my life and has certainly been a source for “material.” While she does live in a retirement village called Leisure World replete golf carts, club houses and sloped curbs (god forbid someone trips), she really isn’t your typical 80 year old Grandma. In fact, this year, she’s already been to Ireland and Las Vegas (both equally important destinations) and in a couple weeks, she’s going to Africa with a friend for a 3 weeks. What’s even more impressive, is that she is a very talented artist ...Read More