my voice

If you’ve read my “About Me” section, then you know I was quite the ham when I was a little girl. From imaginary friends to belting Dionne Warwick love songs, I loved to perform and play pretend any chance I got. I was always pretty great with impressions and (as the winner for Best Sense of Humor in 8th grade) loved making people laugh. Still do. SO, I suppose it should come as no surprise that Jonah has developed his own shtick and loves nothing more than to make people laugh. Lately, if he’s not quieting down the room to tell a knock-knock joke, then he’s doing (unsolicited) imitations. And ...Read More
Lately I’ve gotten a little flip cam happy…. especially during meal time.  The other morning as Baby-Ko ate cottage cheese (with his hands), I felt like I was once again witnessing a moment in time that had to be captured. While the sound of my voice makes me want to become a mute (and makes me think I have a speech impediment) and my parenting/ discipline skills, (or lack thereof),  could use some serious fine tuning, it is his rendition of ABC’s that makes me feel like the proudest mom in the world….  // P.S. Clearly,  The Mommy Dearest/ Vacuum Monster shtick didn’t last long.  Just ask the carpet cleaners….
Check out the unedited, RAW interview I did with America’s (now) most hated Bachelor Jason Mesnick.  I’m no Barbara Walters, but you can hear me asking  him some reaaaaal hard hitting questions…  and confirm the fact that my voice is very manly sounding. (It totally is, right???) P.S. BTW, he’s waaaaay cuter in person than on TV/video… and not as “bastardy” either.  Trust. 🙂