online videos

Last night, I took a trip down iPhoto lane and stumbled on a slew of old videos from when Jonah was about 21 months old. Watching them, I started to feel very sentimental… Though I love watching this child bloom and truly become a little boy right now, I must admit, part of me misses “Baby-Ko….” First steps, first words, first songs… Now he’s putting concepts together. Like big concepts. Take this conversation for example… From the back seat… where the most meaningful conversations seem to start…. J: Mommy, tell me about the day I came out of your PA-CHINA. And cue the poker face. Me: Um, wha– Oh. Um. Uh, okay. ...Read More
Michael Buble serenading Rachael Ray. Jim Carrey professing his love for a woman far too young for him. Khloe Kardashian talking about how she really felt about meeting Lamar Odom. Pauly D giving the 101 on how to get Jersey Shore hair in a flash. And me… dorking out to meeting Mr. Two and a Half Men Hottie Ashton Kutcher. Check out my YouTube Celebrity Unplugged Playlist that I recently filmed for Momversation. >