June, 2011
Recently I filmed a branded video for Kraft in which Jill Simonian and I take a quiz to see what the desserts we love say about our personalities. Given my options, I determined I was a cheesecake kind of gal. But in truth, I’m actually a french fry, loaf of bread, butter, and bottle of wine kind of a gal. What that says about my personality? I need to move to France.
Alright, so I want to know, what dessert style are you?
This is the reading material my 3.5-year old would like to keep on top of the facilities….
It’s official. I live with a boy.
I really don’t know when it happened. If I could just remember the day it all changed, why it all changed, and how it all changed, I think I’d unlock the key to parenting. When did my child start to need discipline? I mean, DIS.CI.PLINE. Like “do that again and you’re grounded for life” discipline. He’s only 3. Well, almost 4. And yet it seems like it was just yesterday that I was monitoring milestones and neurotically researching which solids were the best to introduce first. Bananas… peas… Berries, OY. The berries. Who cares that the AAP said you can introduce them as early as 6months. I just spent $300 ...Read More
There’s no denying it: I am a worry wort. I have been my entire life. From big to little reasons, I am queen of letting my fears spiral into a rabbit hole. However, HOWEVER— recurring equally as often as my shpilkes is my strong as shit, tough as nails, warrior-like spirit. The two sides of me- the scared vs. the brave live side by side, hand in hand and somehow manage to live happily ever after together. Here’s an example….
Last weekend, while away for a girls weekend to celebrate my BFF’s bday, I had a massive headache (3 vodka’s in 95 degree weather will do that). Not loaded with my ...Read More