being a new mom

My Shot Me circa 1984… When parenting was easy… Ever since finding out that I was pregnant in November, I’ve sort of had the iconic “Hamilton” song “My Shot,” in my head. It’s sort of become my mantra. In about an hour, I will be jumping on the phone with a sleep consultant (again) to try to figure out how to eradicate the sleep terror in our house that has existed for the last 17 months… Actually, if you’re including the little dude’s leader, (insert mugshot of older brother Jonah here), the issue of sleep, or lack thereof, is an issue I’ve had to deal with for 9 1/2 years. Needless to say, I’m fucking EXHAUSTED. Before co-sleeping ...Read More
And then there was you, my sweet Oliver Blue… On September 15th, 2015 at 12:37 my sweet Oliver Blue was born. From the moment he was born, I have desperately wanted to tell his story and share our journey. I have also desperately wanted to sleep, and shower, sleep, and did I mention sleep? Turns out blogging is not so easy with a newborn. But thanks to late night all night feedings, my brain is filled (albeit foggy) with a story like no other. For there is no one else like you, Oliver… this I know… When I was about 31 weeks pregnant, I found out Oliver was breech. Not to worry, ...Read More
Yep, I’d say this is a sign of an accomplished day at preschool.
A few weeks back, the Executive Producer for Momversation (the sister site to Parents Ask) was teasing me about this protein only diet that I’ve been doing… (Yes, I have been that annoying person in the office responsible for the wafting smell of microwaved turkey bacon and Jarlsberg Lite every morning). So, what was my reason for doing the kind of diet that I typically detest? “I want to get rid of baby weight.” He cocked his head. “Um… How old is Baby-Ko again?” Busted. My kid is starting preschool in the fall. Hello…. Right then and there it occurred to me that I have officially reached my cut off for ...Read More