baby vocabulary

For the past few weeks, Baby-Ko has woken up saying “Mommy, I’m up from my dream! Come get me!” As I pick him up out of his crib (yes, he’s turning 3. No, he’s not in a big boy bed yet), I do my best to cheerily ask him about said dream. Me: “What did you dream about?” Baby-Ko: “The jungle!” Me: “The jungle?!” Baby-Ko: “Yaaaaaaaaaah, the jungle. And, and, and, the ocean!” Now before you marvel at how amazingly imaginative my young boy is, I must confess: He did not come to these brilliant visions and landscapes on his own. I sort of fed them to him… At some point, during a typical nightly ...Read More
Before I had a child, I swore that I would always be honest. I’d speak the truth to him. I’d teach him things without covering up or rewriting the facts. I’d wear my heart on my sleeve and with patience and loving kindness, share the world with him…. one answer at a time. Then he started talking. A lot. And because of this, and the fact that I am an advocate of encouraging childhood imagination and literacy, I have a confession that I’m not proud of: I am so happy that Baby-Ko cannot read. Take for example our trip to the beach a few weeks ago…. It was a lovely day… ...Read More
Hi, there. You still here? Sorry. I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I knoooooow.  I knoooooow.  I should be writing more. You’re right. It’s true. But trust me. TRUST. ME. I have some pretty good goddamn excuses up my sleeves. And once I’m able to share them all with you, you will forgive me. I prom.  In the meantime, let’s talk about the UFC style bout I had this morning, trying to get Baby-Ko in the car. I have always thought the term “terrible two’s” are, well, terrible. I mean, to me, this seems like the best age ever. He looks and sounds like a little munchkin, he’s ...Read More
Lately I’ve gotten a little flip cam happy…. especially during meal time.  The other morning as Baby-Ko ate cottage cheese (with his hands), I felt like I was once again witnessing a moment in time that had to be captured. While the sound of my voice makes me want to become a mute (and makes me think I have a speech impediment) and my parenting/ discipline skills, (or lack thereof),  could use some serious fine tuning, it is his rendition of ABC’s that makes me feel like the proudest mom in the world….  // P.S. Clearly,  The Mommy Dearest/ Vacuum Monster shtick didn’t last long.  Just ask the carpet cleaners….
HELLLOOOOO. It has been a LONG time since I’ve posted. There’s been a lot brewing in the world of J-Ko– and it’s been a little tough to find the time and “juices” to write– NOT that there HASN’T been much to write about…. From my Baby-Ko’s obsession with “Fuck!” (aka. “Hopkins” the FROG on “Signing Times”), to his brilliant three word sentence “I feeling it” (which he declared on Mother’s Day as he fondled the clothes on every rack at Nordstrom), to the fact that I “blow my wad,” so to speak, within the first five minutes of a walk with Baby-Ko because he devours every snack I’ve brought ...Read More
Not sure how, when, or where Baby-Ko learned to say “Booger” but I’m thoroughly impressed and delighted. He’s come down with a little cold and when I wipe his nose, he begs, “no more boogers!” I mean… What?! How does he know that? I’m certain Elmo and his freaky side kick Mr. Noodle don’t talk about the letter “B” and say “B is for baseball, bears, BOOGERS!  We like Boogers!“…. And I know that Rachel and her hard-of-hearing friends aren’t showing kiddos at home the sign (language) for snot or boogies.  Thus, it’s safe to assume that Nanny Oof-Oof is probably responsible.  I’m not mad – It’s better than the ...Read More
For several months, Baby-Ko’s language has really started to bloom. He’s definitely mastered Mommy, Daddy, Up, Down, Baba (bottle), Bye-Bye and a slew of other “common” (no shit) words that a 17 month old might say. But what I find to be so funny about hearing this little person speak is some of the other words that he’s decided to include in his repertoire. Moon, “Okee–Dokee,” Deer (one of our neighbors has a fake deer on their lawn. Don’t ask) and other little shticks we have like …. “Baby-Ko, who’s your favorite Laker?” and he says, “Koobee.” Brilliant. Or my husband’s favorite show off phrase, “Baby-Ko, who’s your favorite Dodger,” ...Read More