Oliver’s Brown Bear, Brown Bear Birthday Party
What Oliver wants, Oliver gets. Since day UNO.
When he was a newborn…You want my boob at 1am, 4am and 6 times between 5:45 and 8:45pm? Here you go, baby. (Insert cartoon of a woman – hi, that’s me- throwing hoisting her boob over a nursing bra like a large net in the Bering sea).
When he started to crawl… You want to push mommy’s new sunglasses around on the floor? Have at it. (They’re knock-offs anyway. Because, you.)
When he started eating… You want to eat your weight in puffs and cheerios? Fine. Just, fine. (At least they are loaded with spinach and kale anti-oxidant chia flax omega 3 DHA super green beet juice. Who needs ...Read More
For my family, Christmas day is all about food and movies, movies and food. Traditionally, we gather at someone’s house in the morning, drink endless amounts of coffee and mimosas and eat my mom’s famous egg and cheese soufflé. Oh, and bagels too. Because you can never have enough carbs after you’ve had Chinese food on Christmas Eve. After we stuff ourselves (again), we head off to the movies (You don’t think we go empty handed do you? Please, we stuff candy and cookies into our purses like little old ladies who save Sugar packets). Tradition, people! Tradition!
One year, for a holiday celebration, I had to bring Star of David-shaped cheese sandwiches to Jonah’s preschool ...Read More
My Top Holiday Hosting Tips
In just a few days, my house will be filled with 26 adults and 3 children (and 1 baby!) for Thanksgiving. While it may be totally nuts to take such a big hosting “gig” on with a newborn, I love this holiday and am excited to open our home to our favorite family and friends. Luckily (and I say this with lots of love in my heart, dear family), we do not have any out-of-towners. This means that no one is spending the night(s)… hence, the arduous task of laundry loads, changing out sheets, and a fridge stocked morning, noon, and night. However, with 29 people, ...Read More
One month ago, I married the man of my dreams and we spent the night dancing and laughing with our closest family and friends. Per his request, but mostly in my planning (perfectionist) state, I handed off a desired playlist to our trusted music aficionado, Jesse Kivel of Dart DJ. Of course we had our picks for special moments like the first dance (Otis Redding’s “That’s How Strong My Love Is) , recessional music (Stevie Wonder’s “For Once in My Life”) and other important songs (Peter walked down to “Born to Run” by well, The Boss, of course). But, in my wildest dreams, I would have never thought that the song ...Read More
Last month, I teamed up with Glad® to host a party like no other. Perched at the top of the hills overlooking Los Angeles, I invited some of my most stylish friends and fellow bloggers to join me for a night of fashion, fun and food.
I knew my friends had great taste and great wardrobes, but honestly, I didn’t realize how great until I saw the amazing new duds everyone got to go hoem with. While I didn’t take home anything from the swap, except some fabulous jewelry from my girl at GROCK LA, I was shocked by how many designer and trendy items the girls left with. (Um, PS. ...Read More
Exciting news! I’m now a contributor to Disney’s Spoonful, a fabulous resource for crafts, recipes and activities for parents and kids. For my first post, I whipped up a little Oscar Party with some “perfectly partied” panache. Oftentimes, Oscar Parties are geared toward being “adults-only” fêtes. But since the Oscars are on a Sunday and everyone I know has kids under the age of 9, the days of lounging around the house in sweats, glued to the television for eight hours (with copious cocktails present), are a distant memory. That said, this is still very much a part of my DNA and a tradition that I can’t entirely shake. So ...Read More
#TrashCrashers @GetGlad Party
You know what they say: One woman’s trash, is another woman’s treasure! And it when it comes to my friends and their wardrobes, we’re talking treasure troves!
This past month, I had the opportunity to partner with Glad® to host a party of my choice for 15 of my friends. To me a perfect party with the girls includes wine, cocktails, gossip, delicious food, more cocktails, (more food), and if possible fashion. So I figured a clothing swap party was the perfect setting to get all of those elements and then some. Glad’s® longstanding, 28 year partnership with Keep America Beautiful (KAB), has made it a mission to engage individuals to ...Read More
The other day, a friend told me that I’d make the perfect “1965 wife.” Some women might find this to be offensive, but me, nah… I’m a full time working gal, with a plate so full and a life so busy. So the fact that I cook, clean, raise a child and sit patiently during tackles, touchdowns, and all things end-zone, kinda makes me feel like a badass. While I’m still the “not so queen of it all,” I actually feel proud that I have figured out a way to be “domestic” too. It may not look perfect, it may not always be pretty, but I can certainly try to be a little ...Read More
Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great joy that I present to you the new and improved…..
Perfectly Disheveled! (The crowd goes wild)
Every now and again, we all need to hit the reset and refresh button and PD certainly needed that. From design, to platform (buh-bye Blogger), it was time to take this site to the next level. In addition to how sweet and delicious life is between a 6-year old with two front teeth missing and a fiance that wants to marry me even though I sleep with my mouth open (TMI?), I’ve also had the great opportunity of working with incredible brands this past year and have some wonderful ...Read More
Thanks to Pinterest, I’m now well aware of the fact I’m not the only woman in the world who falls asleep at night dreaming of beautiful table-scapes, perfectly baked pies, and unbelievably organized pantries. Apparently, we all want things to look and taste just perfect.
While I had every intention on showing you one amazingly thought out and decorated Thanksgiving mantle and table display, the reality of time, a full time job, a child with green stuff oozing from his sinuses (TMI?) and what I think might be a broken thumb (mine, not his), set in. Things can only be so perfect for so long. Or at least close to perfect, ...Read More