April, 2010

Ten years ago, date night meant dinner at the hottest spot, dancing, drinks and subsequently a gnarly hangover the next morning (or afternoon, really). Alas, life is a little different now and my date nights have turned in to two hour increments in the middle of the afternoon (while said child responsible for perma-stubble on my legs spends time with his grandparents). I love my new life… I do. Though, like Steve Carrell and Tina Fey’s character in “Date Night,” a little adventure is craved every now and again… as long as I can get some sleep before Baby-Ko wakes up at the crack of dawn and wants to watch ...Read More
I’m Jewish. My mother is Jewish. My father is Jewish. My ancestors are Jewish. As a child I spent summers at (Jewish) summer camp, attended religious school, and was even bat mitzvah’d. I feel Jewish. Think Jewish. And catch me on a humid, not so good hair day, alas, I look Jewish. All of that Judaism, for me, has meant one thing (okay, three): Food, jokes, and tradition. Let me break this down as to what this means…. Food. This one has nothing to actually do with the type of cuisine Jews eat, because frankly, if you judged my Judaism by the “Jewish things” I eat, I would not ...Read More