November, 2008
Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone. This has been a pretty eventful week and I have so much to be thankful for…. This year, everyone came to our house for dinner. It was our second year hosting and once again, was a great success. (Check out a recent post I wrote for MomLogic about dealing with Four Families during the holidays). Here’s a little recap/ list of highlights from the holiday:
1) T-Ko made a kick ass turkey for the 2nd year in a row. I must confess that I was a little nervous considering he found the recipe from Food Network star Sandra Lee (“Semi Homemade”). Her food is as ...Read More
Call me a sucker, but when I saw the Mac clan doing a country-western Elf dance, I couldn’t resist turning Baby-Ko into a dancing Elf too.
And who says Jewish boys can’t line dance???
I knew that “the day” would come. The day when I would sound like an old washed up mom, who’s seen her share of dirty diapers, colds and viruses, tantrums and toy trucks…. The day when I would sit back and look at some young girl on the brink of mommy-hood and shake my head, as if she has no idea what the hell she’s in for… The day when I would feel like I had been doing this forever and can’t even remember what it’s like to not be a mom…. I just NEVER thought the day would come so soon.
During a meeting today, somehow we were talking about ...Read More
I know kids get sick, but come on!!! For 6 weeks- SIX WEEKS!!!- Baby-Ko’s had a nasty unexplained virus that’s come and gone, ebbed and flowed, and disappeared and reappeared. This past Monday, my happy baby who’s cough I thought was just “residual”, went from point a to point sick within hours. Since Monday, we’ve had a trip to Urgent Care, a trip to the ER and a trip to the doctor. The diagnosis: a bad virus and a sinus infection. He seems to be getting better, but the frustration and sadness of listening to a 13 month old snore (when they’re awake) because they can’t blow their nose and ...Read More
Tonight I saw a promo for a local news segment on a product called Betty Color and I literally had to pause it and rewind it like ten times. Granted, it was channel 9 news which is generally garbage, but they were running a segment on an apparent growing trend: Dying Pubic Hair.
I KNOW. I mean, we all know that for most women, the carpet doesn’t match the drapes. But does it matter? No one’s ever met a dumb blonde and looked at her black pubes and thought, “hmmm, maybe she is smart after all.”
When so many women, including myself, put themselves through torturous scenarios to try to ...Read More
It’s finally here. Less than 24 hours away from Election Day. I’m so excited for all the campaigning and shit talking to end, and ready for a new leader. As incredible as it’s been to witness how politics have become mainstream and “funny,” I’m ready for things to get serious. Sure, it’s been fun to see and a great way for candidates to reach the young voters… from the “Don’t Vote” video to Sarah Silverman’s “The Great Shlep” to Tina Fey’s dead on spoof of Sarah Palin…. but enough is enough. It truly is TIME FOR A CHANGE.
If I were a McCain supporter I would ...Read More