summer activities
Must Have Pool and Beach Supplies from CVS
Los Angeles has had a crazy unseasonably hot and humid summer so far. At 8 months pregnant, this has been the opposite of enjoyable. However, (and I’m not going to sugar coat this and certainly not trying to brag): Having a pool in my backyard has been MAGICAL. Game changing. This pool has saved me/US this summer in so many ways. For starters, I’ve learned that the Summer “Mooooom, I’m booooored” Cry happens a whole lot less when there’s a nearby (and free!) watering hole that you can jump and splash around in for hours on end. Plus, since said former Mom I’m bored crier is now ...Read More
When Jonah was about 3-years old, I came up with a great idea one Sunday morning. It was about 9:30 in the morning and after being up at 6am, reading, watching a little television, playing with some of his toys, doing an art project, making pancakes and eating them, I was at a loss. The kid needed MORE.
“What should we do nooooow, Mommy?”
I probably should have dug deeper into the bag of good parenting, and encouraged some individual play then– play that didn’t require me to bring in the circus and jazz him for hours— but alas, that awesome mom guilt (which is totally worse when you’re single, I think), ...Read More
For the past few months, Thursday nights have become a “date night” for me and Jonah. Peter is at school on Thursdays (getting his MBA in the evenings), so often times, I use the opportunity to take Jonah out for a bite to eat after his karate… just the two of us. As luck would have it, my kid loves sushi (and by love, I mean I usually need to cut him off) and I love my son (and sushi) so it’s really a win-win sitch.
Well, as I sat across the table from a hungry 6-year old last night who couldn’t get albacore with crispy onions into his mouth fast ...Read More
For those of you that have been following, you might recall that 2 summers ago, I made the worst parenting decision of my life. I signed up Jonah for a swim boot camp… A week -long intensive taught by a “I swear-by-him… he’s a miracle worker… it’s so worth the money” guy in Los Angeles. Known for his controversial, sort of,“get in the pool and swim, kid” methodology, I wasn’t 100% convinced that this was the right thing for Jonah. HOWEVER, everyone I knew flocked to him and I was guaranteed that by the end of the week, Jonah would be swimming.
And he did.
For the ...Read More
On vacation, why not get him started early….
Two seconds later, we were told kids can’t be in the casino. Duh! Guess you got to know when to fold ’em… and know when to walk away!
(**Been on vaca! Will be back next week and updating more!**)
There’s no denying it: I am a worry wort. I have been my entire life. From big to little reasons, I am queen of letting my fears spiral into a rabbit hole. However, HOWEVER— recurring equally as often as my shpilkes is my strong as shit, tough as nails, warrior-like spirit. The two sides of me- the scared vs. the brave live side by side, hand in hand and somehow manage to live happily ever after together. Here’s an example….
Last weekend, while away for a girls weekend to celebrate my BFF’s bday, I had a massive headache (3 vodka’s in 95 degree weather will do that). Not loaded with my ...Read More