October, 2011
When it comes to “the home,” I’m not sure the saying, “it’s what’s on the inside that counts” really works. Sure a home needs to be filled with love and warmth– a safe haven from the outside world. Stuffed with family, kids, and pets, it needs to be functional and utilitarian, and not just decorated, pretty and impressive… sure … And while keeping your home tidy and perfectly organized is all the time impossible, there are a few ways that can sort of mask the chaos (aka. Stuff it away) and make it appear like you have your shit together.
BTW, What am I even saying? I’m writing this ...Read More
Without getting into a diatribe about the plight of the working mom and how no one will ever understand our woes and Debbie Downer cries of “waaaaaah waaaaaaah,” I would like to say simply: it’s not easy. Especially when your son attends a school where the majority of moms don’t work, or at least, are so involved in the minutia of the school it appears as if they don’t work/ need/want to work and the joys of planning a bake sale or book fair pales in comparison graduating from Yale Law. This is not to say that those women, some of my favorite, sweetest and dearest friends, to be exact, ...Read More
A couple years ago, I wrote a post when I worked at Momlogic about Parenting from the Gut. I had decided that my all things Westside and Neurotic was getting out of control and I’d try to listen to my instincts instead of flocking to the gurus that I had (still am) been paying good money to, to tell me what kind of pajamas my toddler should wear in mid October.
Sure… that “laissez faire,” whatever works mentality works sometimes, but there is one area in particular that my own “here’s how I’m going to handle this” strategy has been failing big time: Potty Talk with a capital Shit. ...Read More
Do your parenting tactics change when you’re in public? Mine do. At home, I’m all rules, all Betsy Brown Braun and Wacky’s class up on my boy. I stick to my word and mean what I say. (Kind of). But when others are around, even close others, like family, my will to parent perfectly goes to shit. You’d think in public that you’d be more on your game, but No. Not me. I fall apart. I have no backbone and no follow through. Too scared to make a big move and too scared to do too little. The result? A whole lot of nothing.
I’ve decided that by the time ...Read More