
Exciting news! I’m now a contributor to Disney’s Spoonful, a fabulous resource for crafts, recipes and activities for parents and kids.  For my first post, I whipped up a little Oscar Party with some “perfectly partied” panache. Oftentimes, Oscar Parties are geared toward being “adults-only” fêtes. But since the Oscars are on a Sunday and everyone I know has kids under the age of 9, the days of lounging around the house in sweats, glued to the television for eight hours (with copious cocktails present), are a distant memory. That said, this is still very much a part of my DNA and a tradition that I can’t entirely shake. So ...Read More
The Oscars. My favorite day/night/event of the year. I want to watch it all: the pre-pre-countdown to the red carpet countdown to the “live from the red carpet”to the main event to Bawbwa making someone cry…  Well, last year, there was no Oscar shmaltz. There was no glitz… there was no glamour… there was no gasping over her dress or his speech…  There was no honing in on every word during the best sound editing acceptance speech. There was certainly no chips, dip or champagne flowing…  Last year, my (then) 5 month old was horribly sick with the flu and my husband and I were equally sick. IT SUCKED. This year, THANK G-D, ...Read More