parenting experts

As I’ve mentioned many times before, once a month I attend “mommy school” with a bunch of my friends. We head to the Westside to seek the advice and guidance of the renowned Betsy Brown Braun. Each month we focus on various issues that have arisen for our 4 year olds (everyone in the class has children within a few months apart- so we’re all on the same “fucking fours,” page, as Betsy calls it). Anyway, a month or two ago, I expressed to Betsy that I was having a tough time containing Jonah’s energy– that more often than not, he is wild. She suggested that we set ...Read More
Recently many family members asked me what Jonah wants for Chanukah. I would often respond with a “he doesn’t need anything” (an answer that grandmothers cannot accept) and follow up with “okay, um….okay… he’s in to robots and science stuff…” But at a recent westside “be a better parent” group, I learned from the jedi parenting master that 4 year olds are in such a “gimme gimme” stage, that now would be the time to talk to them about giving back. That instead of them telling us all the things they want and need, we should encourage them to think about what we can do or give to others. So I ...Read More
As mentioned a few weeks ago, I have officially become a single mom. This change in status not only comes with a slew of complex emotions and sadly, hairier legs, but also an onslaught of incessant mommy guilt…. which, as a working parent, who happens to work in the world of parenting, it can feel a little overwhelming. So, with a 2.5 year old little boy, my sensitivity level to what might ultimately eff him up for life (due to said divorce) is at an all time high… That said, I think it’s gone too far and Baby-Ko knows it. The kid is playing me. He hears the guilt ...Read More
Have you ever been at the gym and seen a really unfit looking trainer and wondered where THAT person gets off telling THIS person how to get in shape? Well, between you and me, I think I’m “that unfit trainer” in the world of parenting. As the Managing Editor of Parents Ask, I have access to incredible experts, information, and answers—I have resources on how to/why to parent this way or that way at my fingertips. I hear it. I read it. I know it. Yet, in my own little world of all things cheerios and triple paste, I can’t say that I always look and act the ...Read More
No matter how hard I try, my mornings with Baby-Ko are usually a little harried… especially when he wakes up at 5:36am ready to play doctor. (Oh, have I mentioned he likes to pretend that he works at a “Hop-tical” now?) Despite my attempts to have everything from food, to clothes to morning rituals laid out and planned ahead, there is one thing I have zero control over: his mood. This morning: He. Was. In. A. Mood. Gave him the play dough (reserved for his table/ but played with on the couch).Gave him a lollipop (reserved for dinner/ but given before breakfast).Gave him a basket of my old makeup (reserved for the ...Read More