
Last week, I got a Baby Center email update telling me that my “baby” may be ready to start potty training.  DELETE.  OOPS.  See, according to the pediatrician (who I pretty much forced in to telling me that Baby-Ko’s language skills were advanced for his age, to which I literally did a high school/napoleon dynamite “yeeessss!”), Baby-Ko is in fact ready to start “potty training.” He would like to see him fully trained, or at least interested and “engaged” in the toilet and all that it entails by the age of 2… which is in 6 months…. EEK.  That’s a lot of stinkin’ pressure… literally. Twenty minutes ago, I just heard Bee-Bee and ...Read More
Growing up, I can remember there being one closet in the house that was an “open at your own risk” type of closet. My mom called it the “Lucy Closet” (I assume there was an episode from “I Love Lucy” where Lucy shoved everything in one closet to clean up and every time it opened, everything fell out… ) Well that was like our closet…. Without a doubt, my office/guest bedroom has become a Lucy Closet of sorts– Every misfit item that needs a permanent home seems to end up in there. I’ve got containers of Baby-Ko’s old clothes, toys, files, gifts, chatchkes, you name it… It’s just a throw it ...Read More
For several months, Baby-Ko’s language has really started to bloom. He’s definitely mastered Mommy, Daddy, Up, Down, Baba (bottle), Bye-Bye and a slew of other “common” (no shit) words that a 17 month old might say. But what I find to be so funny about hearing this little person speak is some of the other words that he’s decided to include in his repertoire. Moon, “Okee–Dokee,” Deer (one of our neighbors has a fake deer on their lawn. Don’t ask) and other little shticks we have like …. “Baby-Ko, who’s your favorite Laker?” and he says, “Koobee.” Brilliant. Or my husband’s favorite show off phrase, “Baby-Ko, who’s your favorite Dodger,” ...Read More
Like most new moms, I was a bit frazzled and dazzled by the all the information I was constantly being fed when Baby-Ko was born. I’m sure I could have shut myself off to some of it, but the over-achiever, neurotic and Hollywood mommy in me ate it up like crack.  Plus, what did I know about motherhood and parenting, really? I certainly wasn’t about to take advice from my mother in law (who thinks you can get a “cold in your vagina” if you walk around barefoot), and I certainly wasn’t going to “wing it,” (that would require giving up control). I needed to KNOW things and I looked ...Read More
A couple weeks ago, a coworker of mine wrote a post about how she may have traumatized her son when she unintentionally changed a tampon in front of her 5 year old son. One reader told her she was “inappropriate….” another said  “Gross!…. another said “C’est La Vie….”  I personally lean to the “C’est La Vie” side, especially tonight…. As soon as I got home from work,  I threw off my high heeled boots, got down on the floor and started playing with Baby-Ko. A few minutes in to our castle building session, I had to go to the bathroom. Baby-Ko followed me in to the bathroom and attempted to say ...Read More
I’ve always thought it was strange when people talk about babies and children by saying  “oh, it’s such a great age…” or “that was the best age…” It makes me sad– as if Baby-Ko turning 24 one day won’t be as special as him turning 2. But after I saw these photos that T-Ko took over the weekend, I kind of understood that “aww, enjoy this right now” thing that people do.  I get it…  Seeing these DOES make me want to stop and relish in every second of every minute RIGHT NOW.   I probably won’t be able to carry him when he’s 24, but I can still explore the world ...Read More
As we sat in traffic en route to Lucy’s 2nd Birthday party, I nearly bit my tongue off trying to stifle my urge to tell T-Ko to change lanes. He has a habit of staying in the right lane forever, and effing EVER, and it makes me insane in the membrane.  Trying to avoid a fight, and trying to challenge myself to my own little game of “who can be quiet the longest,” I didn’t say anything.  (Okay, well maybe I said one thing. But it was only because he really could have gone faster. It’s true that you can actually get a ticket for driving like my grandma. Seriously). ...Read More
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, Baby-Ko, who is now 16 months old, is ob-SESSED with lights. I don’t even know when or how it started but he loves to turn them off and on. I partially blame myself, T-Ko and all of his grandparents for enabling this somewhat annoying,  Rain-Man-esque fascination. We are obviously the ones lifting him up to turn these switches on and off, and if we had just said “no” months ago, we might not have to ask restaurant managers if we can play with their chandeliers when Baby-Ko starts to meltdown. (Okay, it’s not that bad, but trust me. I have come very close to asking ...Read More
I wanted to write about my new favorite show “Whatever, Martha” on Fine Living Network- I stumbled upon this gem last week. Alexis Stewart, Martha’s daughter sits around with her friend Jennifer and watches old Martha Stewart Living segments and literally talks shit.  I mean, literally. She calls her mom uptight, sexless, makes fun of how boring and ridiculous it is… One segment she made fun of Martha’s guest who is a twine collector. Yes, twine. Anyway, the show is hilarious but what I love is that Martha Stewart is actually executive producer which means- she’s in on it. She knows her daughter is talking shit and is cashing in ...Read More
Call me a sucker, but when I saw the Mac clan doing a country-western Elf dance, I couldn’t resist turning Baby-Ko into a dancing Elf too.  // And who says Jewish boys can’t line dance???