
Exciting news! I’m now a contributor to Disney’s Spoonful, a fabulous resource for crafts, recipes and activities for parents and kids.  For my first post, I whipped up a little Oscar Party with some “perfectly partied” panache. Oftentimes, Oscar Parties are geared toward being “adults-only” fêtes. But since the Oscars are on a Sunday and everyone I know has kids under the age of 9, the days of lounging around the house in sweats, glued to the television for eight hours (with copious cocktails present), are a distant memory. That said, this is still very much a part of my DNA and a tradition that I can’t entirely shake. So ...Read More
Rosemary Ground Beef Bolognese With Baby Spinach & Brown Rice Pasta Part of “going gluten-free” is making sure I take these healthy habits I’m learning from eating KLEAN LA and integrating them into my family life and my family food! While I’ve been on the “diet,” I have found myself making meals that that are more balanced and that are less laden in the things that I’m not eating (evne if I’m not eating them). When Kiki of KLEAN LA suggested I try out the family meal, I couldn’t resist. The family meals come with 4 servings of a lean protein, complex carb and vegetable, plus 2 sauces to create a healthy ...Read More
Grilled Chicken MarbellaBaby Spinach & Roasted ZucchiniSpaghetti Squash I love the message I got from Kiki Heinzer, CEO and founder of KLEAN LA this week: “Low-carb diets are so 2000! We are all becoming more educated on the benefits of eating a diet of balanced, whole foods.  The use of complex-carbs in the Klean program plays a very important role. Carbs are our body’s main source of energy.  If you completely eliminate carbs from your diet, your body breaks down your precious lean muscle for energy instead.  The less lean muscle you have, the fewer calories you burn at rest and the slower your metabolism gets!  This means you have to work ...Read More
The other day, a friend told me that I’d make the perfect “1965 wife.”  Some women might find this to be offensive, but me, nah… I’m a full time working gal, with a plate so full and a life so busy. So the fact that I cook, clean, raise a child and sit patiently during tackles, touchdowns, and all things end-zone, kinda makes me feel like a badass. While I’m still the “not so queen of it all,” I actually feel proud that I have figured out a way to be “domestic” too. It may not look perfect, it may not always be pretty, but I can certainly try to be a little ...Read More
Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great joy that I present to you the new and improved….. Perfectly Disheveled! (The crowd goes wild) Every now and again, we all need to hit the reset and refresh button and PD certainly needed that. From design, to platform (buh-bye Blogger), it was time to take this site to the next level. In addition to how sweet and delicious life is between a 6-year old with two front teeth missing and a fiance that wants to marry me even though I sleep with my mouth open (TMI?), I’ve also had the great opportunity of working with incredible brands this past year and have some wonderful ...Read More
This morning, I intended to share this delicious Giada DeLaurentiis Eggplant Capanata recipe and sort of brag about the fact that I am “woman hear me roar” because I’m making an Thanksgiving appetizer that will also double as a fantastic leftover dish to add to pasta (okay, so I still kind of roared). But right as I started to craft the post and upload my ever so stylized and glamorous iPhone -push the mess aside so it looks just like Pinterest minus the blur photos, I remembered the date:   Exactly one year ago today, I went to Haiti. One year ago today, (which happened to be the week after Thanksgiving), I ...Read More
Is this fancy iPhone work, or what?! As if life isn’t hectic enough, (and that doesn’t include wedding planning), I’m hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year for 23 people. Thankfully, everyone is bringing a dish, so all I have to do is cook the turkey (hi, mom), and make the table look pretty (hi, Pinterest). Needless to say, this past week has been a little crazy. In an effort to stay sane (and healthy) during “go, go, go time,” I’ve been leaning on some “go to” recipes that I know I can whip up easily.  Some of my go-tos are meatloaf, crockpot turkey chili, shredded chicken tacos and takeout ...Read More
It seems like every Monday, I’m on a hunt for a recipe that is sort of a one stop shop– a recipe that I can get all the ingredients literally in one shop, put them all in one pot, and walk away. However, not only is this crock pot-codependent relationship hurting the feelings of my 5qt Le Creuset pot (I’m not bragging, I’m just saying it’s really pretty), but it’s starting to bore Jonah and Peter to tears: There’s only so much shredded chicken tacos and turkey chili a man/boy can take. Luckily, a few months ago, I went to New York and had the opportunity to cook with the very ...Read More
Not so long ago, I whined about how Pinterest made me feel pathetic. I declared that the fashionistas, posing with their perfectly tilted heads, and baubled-out wrists made me feel ridiculously uncool and uncoordinated. I decided that the travel pins only made my wanderlust get worse and the reality of my current finances more clear. Finally, I determined that I’d never have time to be as crafty as I wish I could be and that, with my busy schedule, DIY projects were a distant dream. Guess what? I’ve soooooo changed my tune. That’s right. Pinterest is my new best friend and my newest full time obsession. Forget Facebook stalking. ...Read More