eating healthy
Lately, when it comes to taking care of my skin, I feel like I’m on the fast pass-express lane on the freeway– I could have been driving in the other 5 lanes like a normal person for years, but now I need to catch up — Buy whatever it takes to get me where I need to go before my time runs out. I’m not sure what took me so long to get on the healthy skin bandwagon, but here I am. Almost 38 years old and basically playing catch up.
For years now, I’ve relied on family genes to justify my lack of attention to taking care of my skin. ...Read More
I’m pretty sure at some point since the inception of Perfectly Disheveled, I’ve confessed how every now and again (every time) I go to Traders Joe’s (or Costco… or Whole Foods… or any supermarket, really), I hope and pray that there is some sort of “stample,” as Jonah calls it, being given out. Luckily, there’s a TJ’s in my hood and I can always guarantee that no matter what time I’m there, there will be a jolly guy with a beard serving up some sort of brilliant, but totally funky concoction. Fried rice with honey and spinach feta balls? Who knew?!
A few weeks ago, they were giving out samples of ...Read More
This past week marked my last week of a partnership with KLEAN LA… which meant my glorious 24 day run of all things gluten and soy free, was coming to an end. But guess what? I had so much success and am feeling so great, I’m not going to stop! In 24 days, which basically spanned over 5 weeks (as I scheduled my deliveries to Monday-Friday), I lost about 6 pounds and feel fantastic! With 47 days until “the big day,” *(but who’s counting, really) I’m not stopping now!
There is obviously a big financial consideration when it comes to choosing to do a diet delivery service. But knowing that I ...Read More
Rosemary Ground Beef Bolognese With Baby Spinach & Brown Rice Pasta
Part of “going gluten-free” is making sure I take these healthy habits I’m learning from eating KLEAN LA and integrating them into my family life and my family food! While I’ve been on the “diet,” I have found myself making meals that that are more balanced and that are less laden in the things that I’m not eating (evne if I’m not eating them). When Kiki of KLEAN LA suggested I try out the family meal, I couldn’t resist.
The family meals come with 4 servings of a lean protein, complex carb and vegetable, plus 2 sauces to create a healthy ...Read More
Grilled Chicken MarbellaBaby Spinach & Roasted ZucchiniSpaghetti Squash
I love the message I got from Kiki Heinzer, CEO and founder of KLEAN LA this week:
“Low-carb diets are so 2000! We are all becoming more educated on the benefits of eating a diet of balanced, whole foods. The use of complex-carbs in the Klean program plays a very important role. Carbs are our body’s main source of energy. If you completely eliminate carbs from your diet, your body breaks down your precious lean muscle for energy instead. The less lean muscle you have, the fewer calories you burn at rest and the slower your metabolism gets! This means you have to work ...Read More
Every now and again, I start feeling a little sentimental about how much I miss Jonah’s baby and toddler years. Though age 6 is proving to be fantastic in a million ways, there are moments, like this morning, when I wish I could go back in time… just for a little… The new words he’d use, the developments he’d make, the way he ate… I know this sounds silly, but when a 6 year old eats, let’s be honest- it looks, well, like eating and usually just looks like a mess (on the floor). Eating is for survival at this point. But when a 1, 2, or 3 year old eats… Well, ...Read More
Is this fancy iPhone work, or what?!
As if life isn’t hectic enough, (and that doesn’t include wedding planning), I’m hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year for 23 people. Thankfully, everyone is bringing a dish, so all I have to do is cook the turkey (hi, mom), and make the table look pretty (hi, Pinterest). Needless to say, this past week has been a little crazy.
In an effort to stay sane (and healthy) during “go, go, go time,” I’ve been leaning on some “go to” recipes that I know I can whip up easily. Some of my go-tos are meatloaf, crockpot turkey chili, shredded chicken tacos and takeout ...Read More