Broccoli Boy Every now and again, I start feeling a little sentimental about how much I miss Jonah’s baby and toddler years. Though age 6 is proving to be fantastic in a million ways,  there are moments, like this morning, when I wish I could go back in time… just for a little… The new words he’d use, the developments he’d make, the way he ate… I know this sounds silly, but when a 6 year old eats, let’s be honest- it looks, well, like eating and usually just looks like a mess (on the floor). Eating is for survival at this point.  But when a 1, 2, or 3 year old eats… Well, to me it was like watching a rare bird (scratch that, I hate birds. What am I thinking?!)– it was like watching a rare, baby tiger eat for the first time. It’s fascinating, sweet, and produces some special moments that for whatever reason, stick with you forever. (For the record, I’m actually not one of those people that find it fascinating when animals eat. Like, at all. But since the majority of world does care, I used that analogy for them. I do what I can).


Since it’s Throwback Thursday, and since I’m feeling particularly mushy this fine 43 degree – SoCal morning, I thought I’d share a clip I found from a few years ago. Jonah was about 3 1/2. Just before this video started, he was asking about how people swallow and to tell him about “Spit,” which I explained was called “saliva.”  As an expert on saliva, ahem, if you’re a fellow parent, you’ll find my answer to be quite comforting, if nothing else. And trust me, there’s nothing else. I only know what I know people.

Anyway, enjoy and cherish the small moments. And eat your broccoli.

FILED UNDER: A Little Life

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