Right now I’m on a meal planning kick. I’m not just focusing on dinners though. Instead, I’ve got my mind on lunches– trying to come up with easy ways to continue to eat clean (when I’m not eating “Klean”) and not just grab a handful of pretzels and hummus and call it a lunch. Working from home, it’s pretty easy to graze- this is an issue I know for a lot of moms both working and stay at home.

So in an effort to fight the cabinet-calling monsters and eat well-balanced meals, I’ve been scouring Pinterest for inspiration and ideas. One of the recent pins I saw was for a crock pot shredded chicken. Not only was it perhaps the easiest recipe I’ve ever seen, but once cooked, this chicken could literally be used as a base for anything.

The recipe I found was simple and in essence, is a chicken soup starter. But I had a few things in my fridge like celery and carrots that weren’t getting eaten so I figured why not add those and some onion to get this bad boy super flavorful.

IMG_2361 What I used:

-3 Frozen Organic/Free Range Chicken Breasts (Simple Truth)

-2 Medium peeled carrots; cut in half

-About 3 medium stalks of celery

-2 cups of Chicken broth

-1/2 Yellow Onion; cut in half

-2 garlic cloves (not pictured)

-Kosher Salt & Ground Pepper

IMG_2363  So simple:

  1. Place veggies in crock pot.
  2. Add the chicken broth.
  3. Place the froze chicken breasts on top.
  4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  5. Cook on LOW for 8 hours.
  6. Remove the chicken from the crock pot. Shred with a fork.
IMG_2408 IMG_2409

IMG_2412 For the next four days, I had a great go-to for lunch. This shredded chicken was a great base for a simple salad with tomatoes, cucumber, feta, atop my new favorite shredded kale, cabbage and brussels sprouts salad (with some simple lemon and olive oil). Served cold but still super juicy, I pretty much stuck to using the chicken for salad all week. However, this chicken is a great base if I wanted to mix it with salsa and beans for tacos or even a chicken salad with diced celery, grapes and almonds.

Have any go-to recipes like this that I should know about? Send me your favorite pins and recipes! 

FILED UNDER: Food & Entertaining

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  1. Anna Barrona
    Saturday, May 10th, 2014
    Hi Jenny!
    My mom told me that she saw you the other day. She mentioned that you recently got married, and I just wanted to congratulate you!! I remembered your blog, so here I am. You look amazing, and I'm so happy for you!

    Keith and I just adopted a little girl, and we couldn't be happier! Hope you and your new hubby have a life filled with happiness!! <3