Food Loves Milk: Awesome After School Snacks
You know those kids who only eat basic foods… You know the ones that will happily eat a PB&J sandwich for lunch every day and macaroni and cheese for dinner every night? Yeah, that’s not my kid. MY kid is a foodie. There’s no such thing as basic! This is a kid who will try anything– there’s no such thing as too spicy, too saucy, or too sweet. He’s got an adventurous appetite and it’s awesome!
But… it’s also hard. How does one please a child who’s palette is on par with Anthony Bourdain but is only 8! and needs wholesome, healthy, food to help him grow? Well, you get clever… that’s how! You “layer.” You make snacks with a twist! AND you make snacks that don’t take forever to prepare. Because, hello! I’ve got two kids and I’m still not quite used to how to juggle it all (But that for another post!)
This month, I teamed up with CA Milk and got milk? to come up with recipes that are creative and easy, but also will teach my son he can eat and have fun while being healthy. Everyone knows that food goes hand in hand with milk– Whether it’s cooling spice or rounding out a savory dish, milk is a great compliment to a variety of delicious recipes both traditional and new.
Spiced Milk with Pita and Hummus
On those cooler days after school, or even at night after dinner, when the kiddo needs a little something extra, I love giving him some warm, spiced milk. It’s the perfect combination of sweet with spice, but completely healthy. For an afternoon snack, I’d pair this with whole wheat pita and some red pepper hummus. Yum!

- 1 cup nonfat milk
- 1 tbs honey
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- pinch of ground cloves
- 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/8 teaspoon ginger
- 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
In a small saucepan over low heat, combine and heat all ingredients. Whisk over low heat for 10 minutes.
Remove and let cool. Be sure to pour through a fine strainer into your favorite mug.
Cold Milk with Popcorn Trail Mix
What’s not to love about an iced cold glass of milk and a big bowl of salty and sweet (but still packed with protein!)

- A bag of your favorite light or low calorie popcorn
- 4 tbs of Raw Almonds
- 4 tbs of Roasted Peanuts (salted optional)
- 3 tbs of Chocolate Coated Candies (I found vegetable dyed ones)
- 3 tbs of Dried Cranberries
- 3 tbs of Roasted Pipits (pumpkin seeds)
In a large bowl combine all ingredients. And toss. No seriously, it’s that easy. I like to spoon the mix evenly into mason jars or small baggies to make grabbing snacks easy. But the piece de resistance: An iced cold glass of milk. It’s the perfect thing to balance the salty kick!
To get more great ideas and recipes, join the #FoodLovesMilk fun.
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This post and subsequent social media activities are brought to you by got milk? Food Loves Milk”, but all opinions expressed are my own.