
My Dearest Baby-Ko,

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow you turn ONE…. that just 364 days ago I was at the hospital with Daddy and all of your Grandparents, waiting for you to make your entrance. And what an entrance you made….

You are without a doubt, the sunshine of my life. You are sweet, charming, and clever…. You are only 21 pounds and 2’5″ to date, but boy, you are already such a big boy. Each and every day I grow more and more proud of you and am amazed by your your curiosity AND your understanding of the world around you.  

This past year, I have learned and changed so much.  Of course, being a good mommy is definitely a work in progress, so I hope you’ll continue to be patient with me. Daddy said tonight that before we know it, you’ll be 16 years old. Well, inevitably, one day you will be 16… but do you think  you would still let me hug and kiss you and sing “The Nearness of You” every night before you go to sleep? I’ll let you think about it… you have 15 years…
Well my sweet sweet boy…. Tomorrow is your big day and I cannot wait to wake up and sing you “happy birthday” and give you lots of kisses (if we could do this anytime AFTER 6:30am, I’d greatly appreciate it though…). 
FILED UNDER: A Little Life

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