A couple years ago, a friend sent me the most massive astrology forecast I had ever seen. I had just separated so things were obviously a little tough and life was complicated. Looking and hoping for better luck, I turned to this 4 page horoscope outlining details of what would hopefully become a bright future. Show me the money.

Alas, no dice. It appeared that financially, romantically, and professionally, my life would basically SUCK until sometime in 2011.
Of course, it didn’t suck. Always. Just sometimes. 2011 came with a lot of highs and lows. Many wins and losses. Constant pushes and pulls.
And while there’s been many successes, small triumphs, and wonderful moments of luck and love, more than not: I’m happy to say goodbye 2011. I’m happy to start anew.
I won’t list all my resolutions for 2012, but I will say, in general, this will be the year to BE KINDER. More kind to my family, my friends, my body, my mind. I’m very hard on myself. It’s time to lighten up, worry less, be STILL more. Time to get off of your Facebook and on to my fantastic stories. It’s time to stop stalking and start taking stock in what’s in front of me. It is time to BREATHE.

Before I tip my Forty to the year that put hair on my chest and “didn’t kill me, but definitely made me stronger,” I’d like to look back on a few of my favorite stories and posts. Boy, did I accrue some kick ass stories. Some of which, sorry, will never see the light of day on this blog. (Gotta save something for my memoirs. Ha). Here are some of my favorites from 2011…
Getting in a fight with a Grandma at a Park

Losing our beloved fish (of 2 days) named Nemo

Lying to my son. A lot.

Making empty threats to my son. A lot.

Realizing I don’t speak “Boy.”

Fielding incessant questions.

Getting rid of terrible jeans.
And now… the new!!! I look forward to sharing many more stories and memories in 2012…. Here’s to a beautiful and bright, happy and healthy, simple and sacred New Year.
FILED UNDER: A Little Life

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  1. Friday, December 30th, 2011
    Jennifer, looking forward to meeting you! You wrote this post for me (the resolutions part). xo. Happy New Year!