Lifetime Moms

I don’t know when it happened but these days, I cannot look into a mirror to see what I look like. It’s like I see the reflection, but I don’t really see it…. So what do I do? I take a picture. (Before you really start to call me ca-razy, know that I only do this when I’m trying to decide on an outfit for something really important…. As if that makes any sense or is any better). do actually like my body (most days) and feel good about myself (a lot). So I’m not sure this is about some deep seeded disorder or insecurity…. I’m wondering if digital ...Read More
When people think of love the second time around, they usually think that it applies to a middle aged man or woman, who after a disappointing first marriage (or maybe an unexpected death) finds someone with an equal amount of baggage, and they fall in love. It’s unlikely that people would ever suspect that a man or woman in their 80’s could experience (or would even want to experience) love again…. But it happens. And it happened to my Nana. I’ve shared many of my favorite Nana stories and conversations here before. My most favorite was when she called me to tell me she couldn’t find her Yahoo… (Stick with ...Read More
Is it safe to assume, that only in Los Angeles, a 4 year old comes home from (private) preschool and says that we need to build a meditation garden? Or does this kind of thing happen everywhere??? Yesterday afternoon, I asked my son what his favorite part of his school day was: “Meditating.” “Huh?” “Meditation. We med-dit-tationed.“ “You meditated???” “Yes, in the med-dit-tation garden. All of the kids in the class. We all med-dit-tated.” “That’s nice. Why?” “Because it calms you down. If you get angry. You can go to med-dit-tation.” “Ah, I see.” First of all, how lovely that his school has a meditation garden. Second of all, his school has a meditation garden. Hilarious! (If he told me ...Read More