DIY & Crafts

Some projects require a little extra help….
This post is sponsored by Nestlé, which compensated me to partner with California Pizza Kitchen® frozen pizza and share news about the “Adventures in Entertaining” campaign this summer. If you asked most of my girlfriends what would be their idea of the “perfect night,” I think most of them would say, (in this order): “Babysitter or Husband puts kids to sleep, get together with best girlfriends, drink wine and eat delicious food… and someone else does the cleaning.” Well lucky for them, I got to facilitate that night… And pretty much in that order.  I decided that hosting a girls’ night of ...Read More
Yesterday morning, J pulled out his baby book from his book shelf.  “Why is it empty, mommy?” Speechless, I shrugged. I had no good reason for the barren pages in the baby book (aka. the requisite memory book carefully crafted by only good mothers).  It appeared that I started to fill everything out… His birthdate, weight, family statistics… even details on his first words and foods. But at 15 months, I stopped. No pictures, and no hand or foot prints. “Can we do it now, Mommy? Can I do a footprint now?” Luckily, he caught me in a moment of pure frazzle. School was out. I had a ton of work to ...Read More
As I’ve mentioned before, I just started working with a great site called Citrus Lane. Every month new or expecting parents can receive care packages based on their child’s age (newborn to 3 years). These boxes have curated, top of the line products that have been hand picked by moms themselves. This month, I’m excited to tell you about their new Fresh Start Box. Produced in partnership with Healthy Child, Healthy World, the Fresh Start Box ($30) is packed with eco-friendly products to get your New Year off to a healthy start! >
Preschool. Year two. Definitely not as anxiety producing as last year when everything felt unknown. This year, Jonah seems to be hip to the notion of all things circle time and hasn’t shown an ounce of separation anxiety as I get barely a ‘bye’ after drop off. All this is a relief, of course. The hard part, getting organized and getting a good morning routine down pat. The morning routine… a definite work in progress. But thanks to P-Touch Label Makers, I have to say, I’m feeling on top of my game in the organization department. The night before school, Jonah decorated his plastic bin for his cubby and we ...Read More
I’ve often talked about how the old me, the JBJ (that is, Jenny Before Jonah) was highly organized, highly anal, highly efficient. Obviously, a few things were always a little messy— I had my Lucy Closets and unorganized wallets, sure. But I wasn’t all over the place. I had a system. I knew where things were. I didn’t have to shave while taking a conference call and folding laundry. At the same time. Things just looked better…. Recently I signed on as a brand ambassador with Brother P-Touch. I was so excited for this opportunity as my own brand of being Perfectly Disheveled is almost synonymous with label making (or at ...Read More
Tori Spelling is seriously one cool chick. She’s fashionable, funny, and what I consider to be the best multi-tasker on the planet. From television, to books, to her handsome husband, to her most prized possessions, Liam and Stella, it seems like there’s nothing she can’t do. I’m excited to share an interview I did with Tori for my friends at Red Tricycle. Check it out! — As most of us scratch our heads amidst work deadlines, packing lunches, soccer games, and the occasional date night (huh?), wondering where in the world they sell that magical pill called “Balance,” there is one mom who seems to be able to manage it all…and then ...Read More
Growing up, I was very lucky to have parents that knew about cool places in and around LA to take children. My weekends were spent taking drives to places like Santa’s Village or San Juan Capistrano or eating at dive taco stands that everyone in LA would/should know about like Titos tacos…. Anyway, now with a child of my own, I’m equally eager to explore LA and it’s surroundings with my little guy in tow. (Check out my interview with Red Tricycle about some of my favorite things to do). Of course, I must admit, big elaborate day trips and activities are not always easy to orchestrate week after week. Plus, even ...Read More
This past week I felt like I was back in college, prepping and cramming at the last minute for finals and term papers. (Sure, one might ask what kind of papers and finals are given when you’re majoring in Theater/Acting, but trust me– It wasn’t all cigarettes and jazz hands). Anyway, these past few weeks (entire year, really) have felt like I’ve been on a spin cycle. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: right now, life is challenging. In. every. way. Take this picture for example. This is of me trying to get ready for work in the morning and Jonah ready for school. In order to ...Read More
In addition to the “Minty Mallows” that sucked me in at Trader Joes, when I saw a Gingerbread Man kit for $3.99, I couldn’t resist. I instantly had visions of Jonah and I sitting together, decorating this darling cookie while drinking hot cocoa in our winter PJs… establishing a holiday tradition which one day would include me even baking a gingerbread house (mansion really) and inviting all the children to come and decorate it using “snow caps” that I had hand crafted… in my craft studio… next to the cozy fire place…. and our heavenly smelling Christmas tree. Sure we’re Jewish and I stopped getting Martha Stewart magazines years ago… ...Read More