Last Friday I turned Thirty… Three. Considering there are so many shifts and changes in my world, including a show/job that has taken me to New York this week, my birthday was really wonderful, sweet, and happy….

It’s hard to believe that 15 years ago, I moved to this city in the hopes of becoming an “act-toorrr.” I wanted to do “theee-Ate-er,” wear black, smoke cigarettes, and “act from my soulllll….” Okay, I wasn’t that affected, but I did smoke cigarettes… a habit I picked up after my freshman RA at NYU introduced us to the Silver Bullet Deli that would happily deliver cigarettes and a bottle of water at any time of the day…

Overnight, I found my bearings, my bars, and my ballsy side…
I was a New Yorker.
As a child growing up in Los Angeles, I’m sure it seemed odd to my parents that I would adopt an imaginary friend named Bodice and her “cousin” Beem-Beem. I don’t think anyone would have suspected that come college time, I would follow my “friends” to the big apple… After all, just because Bodice moved to New York to be an actress (and “Beem Beem went with her”) didn’t necessarily mean I should too… But I did. I was going to go to NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts to become the world’s most famous actress and do interviews with Barbara Walters (in a British accent… don’t ask) and talk about my life, my loves, and the many many children I had adopted and saved….
Well, 11 years post graduation, I’m hardly famous and my accent is hardly British (think Eliza Doolittle meets Sarah Palin). I would have never guessed, standing on the stage of Carnegie Music Hall, receiving my diploma, that I would one day give up acting, move back to Los Angeles, find myself working in a field known as “reality television,” fall in love with writing (and become a “blogger”)… and I certainly wouldn’t have imagined my heart could get completely stolen by a 25 pound little man who’s smile is so contagious and tush is

so delicious I would actually consider (and have tried) eating it.

But here I am…. On the 30th floor of an office building overlooking a city (well not so much overlooking… more like wedged in)… in a city that I once swore I’d neeeever EVER leave… down the block from theaters I dreamt of performing in… NOW I’m behind a desk and behind the cameras…
And while my dreams of bantering with Ba-Ba-Wa may never come to fruition (unless I’m producing the famous actress who has actually adopted many children and saved many lives), it feels good to be back here… I’m a real “Working Girl….” with a real head for business and a bod for sin (if I can manage to stay awake)….
But alas, I must sign off. Get back to work and to this show… I’ve got a deadline.
“Katherine’s” on my ass. Let the river ruuuuuunnn……
FILED UNDER: A Little Life

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