Food & Entertaining

Though I’m still painfully full from last night’s gi-normous feasts (in my case, we had two. Yes. TWO FULL Thanksgiving meals), it’s hard not to want to shop… While I’m not much of a run to the store, endure the Black Friday madness, kind of a gal, I know this year, a lot of purchases will be made online.  I’m in the process of figuring out what I want to get everyone and since I’m working closely with eBay, I’m thinking visiting their Holiday Gift Guide at, is a great place to start. Plus,  along with offering crazy awesome deals eBay would like to help you keep track of your ...Read More
You know what’s fun? Drinking with friends. You know what’s even more fun? Drinking with friends and eating ridiculously oooey, gooey grilled cheese sandwiches … and ultimately having your friends tease you about  the cheese that inevitably ends up on your black blazer…. See exhibit A —>. I’ve been amidst a crazy surge of work and life, but believe me, I haven’t forgotten about the event I hosted in partnership with Motorola.  The event brought together some of my favorite LA pals and bloggers. Equipped with more wine than Bordeaux and Napa vineyards combined, we got together at LA’s Corkbar to sample said wine, eat yummy apps, and play with Motorola’s ...Read More
As a woman who loves some vino, and loves vino with friends, I was DELIGHTED when Motorola approached me to host a night of wine tasting. Um, okaaaay!  On Thursday, September 27th, I will be hosting a small gathering with some of my favorite friends, Los Angeles bloggers, and digital influencers to sample some delicious wines and appetizers at a very cool and hip wine bar in LA and take a look at Motorola’s Photon Q,  a 4G LTE QUERTY smartphone with scratch resistant glass (perfect for busy and clutsy, wine drinking moms like me). I’ll be tweeting from the event with #flirtywithqwerty so please check in on September 27, 7-10pm PST. (You ...Read More
In 1984, there was really only one person I wanted to be: Soleil Moon Frye. Between the world’s coolest tree house, brightly colored socks and tapered jeans, and an adoring “dad” named Henry, Punky Brewster was every little girls’ idol. When I was about 8, I did a little acting and did a commercial for the actual Punky Brewster doll (Click HERE to watch… and make fun of me). Who knew that 25 years later, I would meet Soleil and get to work with her on a web series dedicated to women and moms (Btw- SIDE note, do you think anyone in the 80’s would have believed you ...Read More
Recently I filmed a branded video for Kraft in which Jill Simonian and I take a quiz to see what the desserts we love say about our personalities. Given my options, I determined I was a cheesecake kind of gal. But in truth, I’m actually a french fry, loaf of bread, butter, and bottle of wine kind of a gal. What that says about my personality? I need to move to France. Alright, so I want to know, what dessert style are you?
Tori Spelling is seriously one cool chick. She’s fashionable, funny, and what I consider to be the best multi-tasker on the planet. From television, to books, to her handsome husband, to her most prized possessions, Liam and Stella, it seems like there’s nothing she can’t do. I’m excited to share an interview I did with Tori for my friends at Red Tricycle. Check it out! — As most of us scratch our heads amidst work deadlines, packing lunches, soccer games, and the occasional date night (huh?), wondering where in the world they sell that magical pill called “Balance,” there is one mom who seems to be able to manage it all…and then ...Read More
A couple months ago, I was approached by Stacie of One Hungry Mama to take on a recipe swap. After making Stacie’s spiced up latkes and confessing that just weeks prior, I nearly burnt my kitchen down thanks to an inability to toast bread, I started to feel like I needed to spend more time in the kitchen. After all, cooking is therapeutic and I of course want to make dishes that my son loves because it’s something only his mom can make. (I’ve come to terms that my meatloaf or spaghetti sauce won’t win awards). The point is, I want to cook more. Expose Jonah to more fruits and veggies ...Read More
Well, it’s official. NOTHING in my life is cookie cutter.
Day 6 When Jonah’s nanny Tricia (AKA the Jonah whisperer and my savior) first started working with us (6 plus months ago), I told her that I had only a few staples that I knew how to cook and could whip up easily. Of course, there’s only so much turkey meatloaf, pasta and lemon chicken a child can take… Anyway Tricia, who is originally from Grenada, told me that she had a few recipes of her own that Jonah would probably like. One of the recipes she told me about was her family’s recipe for Red Beans and Rice…. Well, after months of Tricia’s recipe pinned to my bulletin board, I decided ...Read More
Day 5 We did it. We made Sugar cookies. I planned on using the mixture/ cookie kit from Trader Joe’s, but of course at the last minute discovered I needed parchment paper which I didn’t have. Fortunately, I remembered I had an old Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix in the cabinet (see, I do have intentions of being a good (divorced) housewife). My shirtless sous chef was a delight to work with…. And very good with his hands…. But not so into the decorating part…. He lost interest pretty quickly and was more than ready to try the goods. Why do I find it so ironic that the Christmas tree is decorated and the ...Read More