Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue…

It’s been a while since I told a Jonah story and so let me share a good one. Okay… two good ones.
The first one is from a few months ago. The night before Jonah turned 7, we asked him if there was anything he wanted to say during his final hours as a 6 year old.
“Anything?” he said excitedly.
“Yes, anything.”
“Anything, like, in the world?”
“Yep. Anything at all.”
“Okay,” he gulped. “Mother fucker.”
We burst into laughter, then composed ourselves, then burst back into laughter again and then put our (tilted/twisted) parenting hat on and I asked:
“Where did you learn that?”
“From you! Where else?”
I can’t help but love how his brain works.
The next story occurred not too long after. We were driving to dinner and talking about some of our friends, a gay couple who he has met but was having a hard time remembering them.
“Oh… yes, I remember them.” Pause. “Wait, they live together?”
“Yes, they’re partners.”
“Like boyfriends?”
“Men can marry each other?”
“Well, in certain states yes. But some states won’t allow it. And it’s really unfair…”
“Yeah, because you can love whoever you want, right?”
“Right! We love who we love,” said with my parenting hat looking it’s finest.
“But mommy-”
“If they do get married, who will step on the glass??”
Oh, this child. This accepting, curious, logical and sweet child. I can’t help but love how his brain works.
Jonah is my heart and soul. When Peter and I started to plan the wedding, without question, I knew it had to be Jonah to walk me down the aisle. I have a great relationship with my own father but life isn’t always traditional… and honoring Jonah and past and present journey seemed the the right thing.
When I started to thinking through about the “Something Old, something new…” it all seemed to fall into place… My “something old” was a diamond broche Team Hair and Makeup wove into my hair as a pin. My something new was the ring made by GRockLA that Peter gave to me the morning of our wedding as well as my shoes. My “something borrowed” was my veil which belonged to my brother’s beautiful wife. And my something blue… the best thing ever…
For flowers, I worked with the talented Sharon of Clementine Floralworks. Because of the simplicity of my dress, I wanted my bouquet to elegant and sophisticated and definitely on the smaller side. Nothing over the top. She suggested white anemone, with black center and white ranunculus wrapped with a satin ribbon… She asked if I had any special fabric that I would want to use, otherwise she had some great materials… And then I remembered: Jonah’s baby blanket! It was once a true “blue” but 6 years later, this small satin blankie was worn out and super pale blue… almost white… And though this blankie has long- been replaced by a big, gross, ripped, grey El Al Airlines blanket (given to J by his grandparents after he decided he loved what the dog was sleeping on), the blue blankie was/is “the blankie” I would forever associate with Jonah as a baby. It was/is a treasure.
And so… Sharon used that blankie to wrap my bouquet.
It was the perfect way to honor my past and present and future.

The bridesmaids wore Navy (as did Peter and Jonah), so I wanted a beautiful color to coordinate. We decided on salmon roses, salmon hyacinth and salmon hypericum, wrapped in a beige burlap/satin ribbon.

For handsome, Burberry-wearing groom, Sharon used white flowers and added a golf tee to the boutonniere because, hi. Have you met my husband? It’s all about golf. The groomsmen wore grey suits with navy and white striped ties. Their bouts were small and simple and covered with the bridesmaids’ bouquets.

I’m still not quite over the excitement of being featured on Real Weddings… so you’ll have to forgive the wedding posts. Although, maybe talking/ blogging about the wedding falls into the same category as giving a wedding gift. You get a year. And I get 3 1/2 more months. So enjoy 🙂