This year, Thanksgiving and Chanukah are sharing the spotlight. For my family, this means that at 5 o’clock when the turkey coma usually sets in, we’re going to have to rally for a little dreidel and gift exchanging action. This also means that as the Thanksgiving host, (I must be out of my mind to take this on this year), in addition to getting my menu prepped and table decor in line, I’m going to have to going to have to think about gifts about a month sooner than I normally would!

As a curator for eBay’s new collections program, I’ve gotten a head start on all the things I want to get for family and friends… and of course, the things that if anyone happens to want to get me something, well, they’ll know just where to find it.  Ahem, ahem.

No seriously, while a Chanel clutch might be a liiiittle out of the budget this Chanukah, I’ve found that putting these Collections together have been a great way for me to keep track of not only the things that I’m coveting, but ideas and inspirations for projects I want to tackle, like organizing my office and closets.

Here are some of my collections that I’ve created that are completely inspired by what’s going on in my


The point is, eBay Collections is a great way to store ideas and inspirations, watch sellers and newly listed items, AND find items just in time for the holidays and of course, all year round. Speaking of which, with just over week until 8 nights of festive lights and a big turkey dinner, I need to get cracking!  First stop. Kid + Easy Gift = Legos! Done! 

Join me and be sure to use #eBayCollection & #FollowItFindIt

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