Some exciting news…. This Month, I/We are moving. New home, new school, new area, new set up… Lots of changes taking place and lots of planning that will need to go in to it. For starters: How to consolidate and merge two homes into one. No need for two couches, two dining room tables, or extra electronics that will never be used… SO, there is going to be some serious selling that is going to take place. I have been doing a lot of research (as a buyer) on furniture listed on eBay and am so pleasantly surprised to see how many “stores” there are selling new and quite affordable pieces. Plus, a lot of them offer free shipping. As a seller, this makes me feel like I have a lot of flexibility and control over purchasing because I can use the money I’ve built up in my paypal account to make these purchases… I myself am going to experiment with listing some furniture and things that require more than just a flat rate envelope (Still trying to get the hang of the whole shipping thing… Let’s just say the Beverly Hills Postal workers no me and my poor taping skills well). So we shall see what happens with selling these items… (Oh, and yes, at some point this move, this very big move, will get a more in depth and “Perfectly Disheveled” post…. Just hold on!)
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