For the past 6 months or more, I have ignored the notification on my computer indicating that my iTunes and pretty much every other application needs an update. I’ve also ignored the fact that after 2 years of this computer, I have never, repeat NEVER, officially backed up anything anywhere. From photos, to music, to important documents, to a SLEW of posts and scripts and ideas, nothing has been saved.
SO, when my bf gave me an iPad for the holidays (psyched!), I knew I was in store for some serious cyber organization.
Of course, I didn’t know that I would get the charming, cute, and totally convincing Mark Zuckerberg of Apple when I went in to the store to have them set it up.
One Time Machine, Leopard something or other, and the “Kate Spade” of covers (yes, it’s literally called Jack Spade), I left (broke) ready to get my tech back up ON.
Anyway, that’s how Day 11 (and some of 12, 13, 14 and 15) was/will be spent… as there is more condensing, saving, and organizing to be had in every aspect of my life. I’m not complaining though. In fact, I’m thrilled. It just means I’m one step closer to the type-A organized freak that once reigned inside my head. Alas, there will be 365 chances in 2011 to find that old/new me. Thank god for Time Machines.
Day 12… The final chapter.
I decided that it would be perfect to end our last day of the 12 Days of Mommy (aka the 12 days of trying to eradicate all mom guilt) with taking a drive down to visit my brother, sis in law and nephew – topped off with a visit to my Nana who had hip replacement surgery last week.
First stop, a visit with Auntie J and Baby R to the duck pond to feed the duckies…. Though we’ve done this before and have never had a problem, today, the ducks were out of their friggin’ minds.
I don’t know if it was a drop in temperature, but we could barely make it down the path to the water before the ducks (and seagals- btw, we were NOwhere near the ocean) started to attack and follow us on a hunt for stale peppermint Trader O’s (I had a hard time understanding how easily my bro and SIL seemed to part with these too, in case you’re wondering).
Long story short, it wasn’t long until we found ourselves (indoors) having milkshakes, burgers and fries at Ruby’s, followed by a great and much needed haircut for Jonah. (Oh, did I mention the stop at the candy store?)
**Preface to the ending of this post: Whenever Jonah is given a balloon, he tends to immediately want to let it go… “to the moon.” And every night when I wash his hair, in an effort to get him to lean back, I have to say, “look up at the balloon in the moon.”**
Well, it seemed perfectly fitting that at the end of our day together, he would let it his purple balloon go to the moon. Something about this was beautiful to me. As this year ends and a new one begins, a balloon to the moon is the perfect send off….

FILED UNDER: A Little Life