Okay, so I’m back(ish). While the details are still being ironed out, I am happy to announce that I am once again EMPLOYED. (I would say that I’m “gainfully employed” but as you know, I sometimes use words incorrectly, so I’ll just stick to the basics just in case that’s not actually what I am).

I am now writing for a fantastic website called ParentsAsk.com. With so many people in and out for the holidays, it’s an awkward time to be starting a job. But on the plus side, it means more caramel popcorn out of a giant tin for me. (BTW, ever try caramel corn and cheese corn in the same bite? It’s a salty sweet little orgasm in your mouth I tell ya). Speaking of of salty/sweet, on Monday I wrote a post about what I think is a tacky trend: tweeting about death. Check out MY POST…. Do you agree?
In the meantime, guess who’s looking Perfectly Disheveled in this picture?
Nope. Not Jessica. She’s flawless. Um, that blurry little purple blob in the background…? Yep. You got it! Yours truly. Ahh, just another day out and about in sunny LA… To read more about why this made me jealous of Jessica Alba (and not just because she just waltzed right in to Nate N Als and got a table without having to wait), click HERE.
P.S. One day ’til Xmas. Have you been naughty or nice?
FILED UNDER: A Little Life

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