Rules: Once you’ve been tagged you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.
[To do this, go under “notes” under tabs (or the + sign) on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click “publish”.]
1. I used to have a blankie that had very frayed ends. I called the longest piece that hung off of it my “shtribble.” I’ve noticed that Baby-Ko “shtribbles” his blankie too…
2. I love the food at El Coyote no matter what you say.
3. Until I was 4, I had imaginary friends named Bodice and Beem Beem. Then one day Bodice moved to New York to be an actress and Beem Beem went with her…
4. I love that my husband knows “a little bit about everything.” It’s hot!
5. When I was in Israel in high school, I became friends with the “bad girls” and we tried to give ourselves tattoos. I still have a little dot on my ankle. That was the summer I became “cool.”
5. I hate scary movies.
6. I have been to Malta and I wish I could say I loved it.
7. Hearing Baby-Ko call out “Mommy” from his crib, always makes waking up at 6am bearable.
8. After college I backpacked through Europe and ended up travelling for 10 days by myself; For 3 of those days I was in Amsterdam high and scared out my mind.
9. I love the color green.
10. I was once told I dance like a black man (by a black man).
11. When I lived in New York, I was mugged on the Upper Westside. A couple weeks later, I got called in to do a police lineup- I identified the guy, and ended up going to court to testify against him. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever done.
12. I have never gotten a speeding ticket.
13. I have never had a cavity, braces or a retainer (though I used to take paper clips and pretend that I had one when I was younger).
14. When I was younger, I used to speak in a British accent and pretend that Barbara Walters was interviewing me. Now I pretend it’s Oprah.
15. I love cheese but cannot just take a bite or chunk out of it.
16. I dream of winning an Academy Award — even if it’s Sound Editing.
17. I have written the first 15 pages of a novel and not a day goes by that I don’t think about wanting to finish it.
18. I thought that it would be a scene out of “ER,” but the the day my son was born turned out to be the calmest and most peaceful day of my life.
19. I hate cats.
20. Poop jokes make me laugh.
21. I could listen to Harry Connick Jr. , Michael Bubble and Steve Tyrell all day long.
22. I used to rollerblade a lot and was convinced if it became a sport at the Olympics, I would qualify.
23. I sleep with my mouth open. Super sexy.
24. I love how much Baby-Ko looks like his daddy.
25. My mom and I have an incredible relationship and I don’t tell her enough how much she means to me.

I don't know you. Most likely, never will, but if anything came through crystal clear on your '25 random things' it's that finishing that novel is necessary.
Good luck.