
Last night will go down in history as the best concert I’ve ever been to. T-Ko bought us tickets (well, me really) to go see Michael Buble in concert. Before I get in to the details of our date, please let me say this: I HEART Michael Buble. I discovered him years ago before anyone knew who he was and I have been in love ever since. His voice is incredible… he belts out standards that are right up there in my opinion with my other old love Harry Connick Jr. So when T-Ko surprised me with tickets for a Valentine’s Day gift, I was thrilled.

As I walked out of the bedroom to grab my purse and say goodbye to the baby, I checked myself in the mirror ten times. Do I look cute??? I mean, I wanted to look good… Thousands of eyes will be on me when Michael Buble spots me in the crowd and pulls me up on stage to sing “You Don’t Know Me.” (Please people, indulge me in my delusions, would you?)

The concert was at the Honda Civic Center, which is in Anaheim… home to the Ducks, Disneyland, and the “other” Baseball team. As we made our way into the arena and headed to the cocktail cart (God, I love being an adult), I was honestly a little shocked: Everywhere I turned there were tons of women, MY AGE, all dressed up, with lip gloss as shiny and pretty as mine. Clearly I was not the only one with the ridiculous fantasy. I mean, who knew??? I was expecting to sit amongst middle aged couples and even elderly people shuttled in on buses. I was not prepared to share my love for MB with these hussies.

As we were waiting for the show to start, T-Ko joked, “You wanted to see Michael BOOBLES the magician, right?” I laughed.
“No seriously,” he adds, “What if I surprised you and said ‘we actually are going to a private concert for like 12 people’…”
“Amazing. But I would kill you. I would have dressed so much better.”

When the real MB opened the show with “I’m Your Man” (Yes, you are), I couldn’t believe that my eyes welled up with tears. T-Ko made fun of me and rightfully so. Who cries at a Michael Buble concert?? I think I was crying though because there is something very sentimental about his songs and his voice… Maybe something that reminds me of my childhood and singing with my grandparents… I don’t know. But when MB did a little shtick between songs where he flirts with a 12 year old (not in a creepy way), my tears dried up. Lucky bitch.

The rest of the concert was fantastic. He crooned and I swooned…. Each song was better than the next. Even T-Ko got into it and was singing along. I didn’t want the concert to end and apparently, I waved to MB as he exited stage (I didn’t even realize I was doing it. T-Ko pointed this one out). I’ve never wanted to stay in Anaheim so badly.

When we got back into the car, I gave a big kiss to T-Ko and thanked him for an awesome night. He told me I could call him “Michael” all the way home if I wanted to. What a guy. (I know he was joking but I think he made the offer just in case he ever wanted to call me “Scarlett” for the night). Of course, there was no name calling of any kind considering that I passed out (drool and all) before we even drove past Commerce. But just for the record, I am very clear on who my real man is… And without him, I would certainly not be sitting here, recuperating from the sweetest first Mother’s Day anyone could have asked for.

FILED UNDER: A Little Life

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