Michael Buble
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to fly to Toronto for a behind the scenes set visit of the family friendly, made for TV movie “Change of Plans,” produced and sponsored by Walmart & P&G.; I was quite honored to be asked to come to travel to Canada, (the home of my beloved Michael Buble) just to see what was doin’ on set and meet the stars- Joe Flannigan and American Idol’s Brooke White. (You know one of those just super natural, super sweet, super pretty, perfect wavy hair that doesn’t frizz, cute hoarse voice type people– Yah that’s her.) Anyway, the hosts from P&G;, Walmart and MS&L; ...Read More
At the age of 13, the year that When Harry Met Sally came out (and became my number one favorite movie) I fell in love with Harry Connick Jr.’s music. In fact, instead of a Sweet 16, I was to celebrate my birthday at the Hollywood Bowl with my BFF Lo seeing him in concert. Her dad was not only able to get us tickets, but also backstage passes. TO. MEET. HIM. As luck would have it though,
I came down with mono.
Bad mono.
(It was the summer after I went to Israel to learn about my religion, and the summer boys went to my boobs to learn about how much fun ...Read More
Ten years ago, date night meant dinner at the hottest spot, dancing, drinks and subsequently a gnarly hangover the next morning (or afternoon, really).
Alas, life is a little different now and my date nights have turned in to two hour increments in the middle of the afternoon (while said child responsible for perma-stubble on my legs spends time with his grandparents). I love my new life… I do. Though, like Steve Carrell and Tina Fey’s character in “Date Night,” a little adventure is craved every now and again… as long as I can get some sleep before Baby-Ko wakes up at the crack of dawn and wants to watch ...Read More
It’s just too apropos… I’m sitting here in my pajamas, sipping cold/old coffee, writing this post, listening to MBMB (that’s: My Boyfriend Michael Buble) on The Today Show, on the phone with yet another customer service rep, waiting for the sound of Baby-Ko to come over the monitor, wondering if I will have time to take a shower (and maybe pluck an eyebrow or two) AND do some research on child care….. I’m kind of a mess.
For weeks now, I’ve toyed with the idea of changing my blog name…. wanting to find a title and name that really summed up the essence of who I am…. All these thoughts swirled ...Read More
8:45am. My phone rings. It’s DH. I try to sound like I’m not sleeping, but I am. Baby-Ko was UP for the day at 5am and went down for an early morning nap. Subsequently, mommy went down for a nap then too. DH tells me that he has some news he thinks I may want to hear….
“Seriously?” I say.
“Yes, just heard it. Thought you may get a kick out of that. Sorry I woke you.”
“No. That’s okay. This is so exciting.”
“I figured you could blog about it.”
“Oh, I will. And I’ll also have to figure out what to do about T-Ko,” I joke… Kind of. ...Read More
Last night will go down in history as the best concert I’ve ever been to. T-Ko bought us tickets (well, me really) to go see Michael Buble in concert. Before I get in to the details of our date, please let me say this: I HEART Michael Buble. I discovered him years ago before anyone knew who he was and I have been in love ever since. His voice is incredible… he belts out standards that are right up there in my opinion with my other old love Harry Connick Jr. So when T-Ko surprised me with tickets for a Valentine’s Day gift, I was thrilled.
As I ...Read More