disheveled mommy
I don’t know about you, but from the outside, my purses look fantastic. Reach your hand in though, and it’s possible your fingers could get attacked by a Loch ness-goldfish crumbed-diaper-tampon infested-monster.
Last month, I got to the office, opened my computer bag and voila: I had a lovely pair of underoos and a Pinocchio book waiting for me. Really? I’m that disheveled??
Recently I shot this video below for Piccolini TV. I gave myself a mini purse detox and it definitely felt better. What they edited out was the 95 tampons that would make one think I have some sort of horrible reproductive period thing happening, which thankfully, I do ...Read More
When one thinks of manners, they don’t often think of APPEARANCE as registering on the “rude richter scale.” But when you really think about it, it kind of makes sense. Your outward appearance speaks volumes and often sets the tone for how YOU feel about yourself…. And we all know the saying… if you don’t feel good about yourself, no one else will…. Well, today my partner Lisa Gache and I explore this subject and talk about why maybe my mom uniform of yoga pants and an American Apparel pullover is sending the wrong message…
Manners Monday Appearance from lisagache on Vimeo.
Lisa’s Tips:
Ø Moms, set your alarm so you ...Read More
As I get more and more entrenched in the “mom space,” I’m starting to wonder if some moms have a stronger genetic predisposition to the “MG” (that’s: Mom Guilt) more than others. Is it regional? Is it an age thing? Is it an environmental thing?
Until recently, I would say I was your quintessential Californian/ Westside neurotic mom. Perhaps it was a divorce, a full time job (in said “mom space”), and some personal drama sprinkled here and there that made me loosen the reigns… that made me able to laugh at myself more and truly embrace the “whatever works” attitude that I desperately wished I lived by. Of course, connecting ...Read More
HELLLOOOOO. It has been a LONG time since I’ve posted. There’s been a lot brewing in the world of J-Ko– and it’s been a little tough to find the time and “juices” to write– NOT that there HASN’T been much to write about…. From my Baby-Ko’s obsession with “Fuck!” (aka. “Hopkins” the FROG on “Signing Times”), to his brilliant three word sentence “I feeling it” (which he declared on Mother’s Day as he fondled the clothes on every rack at Nordstrom), to the fact that I “blow my wad,” so to speak, within the first five minutes of a walk with Baby-Ko because he devours every snack I’ve brought ...Read More
This weekend, I went to a charity event where there were quite a few celeb moms and their kids in attendance (I have told you how cool I am, haven’t I?) Anyway, maybe its something about being a celebrity that automatically makes everything they do look so effortless, but I couldn’t help but feel totally disheveled in their presence — As they were enjoying the festivities, smiling for photo opps, and whisking around their children from station to station looking totally flawless, I was praying that my bangs didn’t frizz and making sure I didn’t slip and fall on the ice (brought in just for the event), and that no ...Read More
I knew that “the day” would come. The day when I would sound like an old washed up mom, who’s seen her share of dirty diapers, colds and viruses, tantrums and toy trucks…. The day when I would sit back and look at some young girl on the brink of mommy-hood and shake my head, as if she has no idea what the hell she’s in for… The day when I would feel like I had been doing this forever and can’t even remember what it’s like to not be a mom…. I just NEVER thought the day would come so soon.
During a meeting today, somehow we were talking about ...Read More
It’s just too apropos… I’m sitting here in my pajamas, sipping cold/old coffee, writing this post, listening to MBMB (that’s: My Boyfriend Michael Buble) on The Today Show, on the phone with yet another customer service rep, waiting for the sound of Baby-Ko to come over the monitor, wondering if I will have time to take a shower (and maybe pluck an eyebrow or two) AND do some research on child care….. I’m kind of a mess.
For weeks now, I’ve toyed with the idea of changing my blog name…. wanting to find a title and name that really summed up the essence of who I am…. All these thoughts swirled ...Read More
As I sat at my desk, desperate to conquer some of my ever-growing, never diminishing “To Do List,” I realized IT WASN’T GONNA HAPPEN. It was 1:30. I hadn’t even showered, I hadn’t eaten lunch, and I certainly hadn’t called the woman to “handle the thing” (I assume in every marriage, someone always is obligated to call someone about “the thing.” Right?)
I climbed out of the chair and sank to the floor, strewn with random “toys” from my office… a remote control, a roll of tape, an old calculator and a giant stuffed Elmo. I turned to Baby-Ko. He squinted and smiled from ear to ear. Finally, Mama. Didn’t you realize ...Read More
I used to be a planner. Organized. On top of it. Type-A. Of course, I wasn’t PERFECT, but in general I felt put together. Well today, I felt like the DISHEVELED FACTOR was at an all time high and it made me yearn for the old J-Ko… The J-Ko that didn’t feel like a complete MESS….
I finally got in the shower at 2:30pm.
And I got out at 2:32pm.
I officially lost all my contacts on my cell phone.
Apparently no one “can hear me now.”
Target wouldn’t take my return.
Apparently I’ve already maxxed out my return without a receipt quota.
I got poop on my finger trying to change Baby-Ko’s diaper amidst a temper ...Read More
As if I wasn’t disheveled enough, now I have to obide by the new HANDS-FREE LAW that became effective in the state of California TODAY. This law prohibits all drivers from using handheld wireless telephones while operating a motor vehicle. AWESOME. So instead of simply answering my phone, reaching back to give Baby-Ko a pacifier AND honk at the idiot who could have made ten left turns by now, (a sequence of events that I have so gracefully mastered in the past 9 months), NOW I have to find the EAR PIECE somewhere in the abyss that is my purse, answer the phone, reach back to give Baby-Ko the ...Read More