
Last weekend, I took Baby-Ko to Disneyland for his very first time. Knowing full well that the idea of Disneyland really would mean nothing to him until he actually set foot on Main Street and experienced the joy and churros that is the magical kingdom, I had been making a concerted effort to point out the iconic and very magical Disney castle at the beginning of various movies. (Who am I kidding. We really only watch one. Mary Poppins). Of course, I had concerns about how he would handle the big D– the crowds, the line, the (no) nap… But, seriously, the minute we pulled in to the parking ...Read More
Well, if you haven’t noticed by now, I’ve had a face lift…. I know I’m a little young, but it was time. This new look is waaay cuter and frankly, makes my butt look fantastic. Ha. Okay, fine. My butt’s still well, butt-y, but I am digging the blog revamp thanks to the Design Girl who did an awesome job. With a new blog design and my 33 birthday just a few days away, it’s only fitting that my driver’s license expired and it was time for a renewal (i.e. New Photo baby!) Taking your photo at the DMV can be very stressful. First of all, the people ...Read More
My Dearest Baby-Ko, It’s hard to believe that tomorrow you turn ONE…. that just 364 days ago I was at the hospital with Daddy and all of your Grandparents, waiting for you to make your entrance. And what an entrance you made…. You are without a doubt, the sunshine of my life. You are sweet, charming, and clever…. You are only 21 pounds and 2’5″ to date, but boy, you are already such a big boy. Each and every day I grow more and more proud of you and am amazed by your your curiosity AND your understanding of the world around you.   This past year, I have learned and ...Read More