House of Home and Family
What do two babies under 2, a new house, a 4mm kidney stone, and a beautiful French Au Pair all have in common? C’est Moi, mes amis! C’est Moi!
The good news is life has been anything less than boring. The bad news is that I’ve been so distracted that I haven’t written a blog post since May. And before that since April. And before that since February. That’s 3 blog posts for 2017 for those of you counting at home.
For someone that prides herself on feeling productive, this has not been a very productive year on the writing and creativity front. But if you count productivity ...Read More
Oliver’s Brown Bear, Brown Bear Birthday Party
What Oliver wants, Oliver gets. Since day UNO.
When he was a newborn…You want my boob at 1am, 4am and 6 times between 5:45 and 8:45pm? Here you go, baby. (Insert cartoon of a woman – hi, that’s me- throwing hoisting her boob over a nursing bra like a large net in the Bering sea).
When he started to crawl… You want to push mommy’s new sunglasses around on the floor? Have at it. (They’re knock-offs anyway. Because, you.)
When he started eating… You want to eat your weight in puffs and cheerios? Fine. Just, fine. (At least they are loaded with spinach and kale anti-oxidant chia flax omega 3 DHA super green beet juice. Who needs ...Read More
The 5 Emotions of Sleep Training
When Jonah was 5 months old, I had probably already read 468 books about baby development. From what to expect each minute of his precious life to breastfeeding because formula is the boogeyman, I was well versed in all things babyhood. Except sleep. Well that’s not true. I knew WHAT to do. I just didn’t do it.
But I was 31. And 31 year olds can go without sleep more than almost 40 year old’s can. “And I’m going to be 40… When? Someday…” (By the way, if you don’t get that reference than you’re definitely too young to be reading this). Anyway, I’ve been feeling ...Read More
It’s 9:36am and I’m racing out the door to get to 9:30 workout class. I have spent the last 45 minutes telling myself that this workout is really important because not only will I not be able to workout for the rest of the week, but I totally fell off the wagon on day 9 ½ of my 21 day diet. Fucking Girl Scouts.
But TODAY, I’m going to make it to class. To clear my head. To sweat. To work off 350 of the 3500 calories I consumed at the Chinese restaurant last night. I mean, if I go, I will be queen of the world. I have roughly 5 ...Read More
The New Old Mommy
When you have a baby, at some point, you forget how overwhelmingly overwhelming “the beginning” was. From the delivery room to those first days and weeks (that feel like months) at home, you forget just how much pain you were in, how scared you were, how agonizingly awful the sleepless nights feel, and how petrified you are by the body you see in the mirror that you’re convinced will never be the same.
And then, magically, strangely, sadistically, you FORGET… It wasn’t that awful. It wasn’t that painful. Overnight, your birth story becomes an old war story: You literally survived D-Day. You’re able to sit around with your ...Read More
And then there was you, my sweet Oliver Blue…
On September 15th, 2015 at 12:37 my sweet Oliver Blue was born. From the moment he was born, I have desperately wanted to tell his story and share our journey. I have also desperately wanted to sleep, and shower, sleep, and did I mention sleep? Turns out blogging is not so easy with a newborn. But thanks to late night all night feedings, my brain is filled (albeit foggy) with a story like no other. For there is no one else like you, Oliver… this I know…
When I was about 31 weeks pregnant, I found out Oliver was breech. Not to worry, ...Read More
When one thinks of having a baby, there are most certainly two words that you would never think of side by side: Labor and Games. For most women labor is the FURTHEST thing from fun and games. While my experience wasn’t horrific, (actually, it was pretty downright smooth), I still wouldn’t call it a walk in the park and I still wouldn’t categorize it under “Fun.” Miraculous, yes. Fun, ehhh. Not so much.
Somehow though, TLC has managed to create a show that gives a little levity to the act of labor with a new game show called “Labor Games.” It basically goes like this: A lovely host barges into a hospital and ...Read More
Gender Reveal Party: It’s A….
When my doctor called and said she had the results from the DNA Test– a test that is done at 10 weeks that detects chromosomal abnormalities like trisomies 21, 13, 18; and various micro deletions, I had to brace myself. We had experienced a loss in August at j13 1/2 weeks, (a loss that frankly, I don’t know when or if I will be able to write about) and the thought of going through it again, was just… unbearable. But thankfully, luckily, beautifully, the doctor called with news that I could cry happy tears to: “Everything is normal!”
After 7 months of heartbreak, I took my first breath.
“Do ...Read More