November, 2012
Though I’m still painfully full from last night’s gi-normous feasts (in my case, we had two. Yes. TWO FULL Thanksgiving meals), it’s hard not to want to shop… While I’m not much of a run to the store, endure the Black Friday madness, kind of a gal, I know this year, a lot of purchases will be made online.
I’m in the process of figuring out what I want to get everyone and since I’m working closely with eBay, I’m thinking visiting their Holiday Gift Guide at, is a great place to start. Plus, along with offering crazy awesome deals eBay would like to help you keep track of your ...Read More
The things you find on your kitchen counter while prepping for Thanksgiving when living with a 5 year-old…
May The Force Be With You.
I’m often amazed at some of the thoughts my son shares at random times…
There are the 5:54 am conversations (by conversation, I mean, him talking and me begging him to lower his voice while I bury my head in the pillow) about how I should know that Padme was Luke and Leah’s mom and that Darth Vader was once Anakin and now Optimus Prime is defeating the Autobots… Or something like that.
Then there are the 2:45 pm conversations where out of no where I am bombarded with questions about how “volcane-oos” erupt or how Moses told the Pharoah to let his people go (Seriously, I’m not making this up).
Then there ...Read More
My Nana and Papa on their wedding day, July 10, 1949.
Lots of love. Lots of passion. And one very skeptical looking father (my great grandfather) watching from the sidelines…
This is one of my favorite, and certainly most cherished black and white photos…
It shouldn’t take tragedies and disasters like Hurricane Sandy to remind us about helping others, but sometimes it does… I often think about how lucky I am… How much I have to be thankful for… Especially around the holidays, I tend to feel sentimental about this blessing… I’m surrounded by friends, family, and full of health. Lately I’ve been thinking about ways that I can give back to my world and my community and it is my goal to put my thoughts and efforts in to action over the next few months… Even if it’s something small like bringing my boyfriends’ clothes to GoodWill, I want and need to do ...Read More